With everything he has experienced, Selak could consider himself the luckiest man in the world.
Many people in the world can be considered “lucky” thanks to the positive events left to chance that happen to them daily. In contrast, there are also several that are considered “mufa” for precisely the opposite: the bad luck that surrounds them and condemns its existence for no apparent reason.
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The case of Franme Selaka Croatian gentleman, is divided and subject to debate. It seems that he has a radar to stop always in the wrong placebut he was unharmed in every accident he was in. However, after years of stress avoiding deathlife rewarded him by winning the local lottery.
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The story of Frane Selak
Frane Selak, a Croatian born in 1929is known as one of the luckiest people in the world. However, it was not until 1962 that his amazing ability to “escape death” became evident. That year, in January, the The train car he was traveling on derailed and fell into a frozen river.. Of the 17 passengers, Frane was the sole survivormiraculously saved.
A year later, in 1963, he defied statistics again when The door of the plane I was on fell off during the flight. Frane was ejected from the aircraft, but was fortunate enough to land on a haystack near a farm, emerging virtually unscathed. The other 19 passengers did not suffer the same fate. In 1966, tragedy struck again: the bus in which he was traveling deviated from a bridge and fell into the river. Four people died, but Selak managed to swim to shore and be saved once again.
The most striking thing is that, after a life full of near-death experiences, Frane ended up crowning his luck in an unexpected way. In 2003, Just two days after turning 74, he won 800,000 euros in the lotteryas if fate wanted to reward him for his countless misadventures.
Other lucky breaks for Selak
In 1970, death once again lurked at his door. Frane was driving his car when it suddenly caught fire.. The Croatian barely had thirty seconds to get out of the car before it exploded. Three years later, the car that was bought to replace the other inherited the mark of death. In 1973 the engine of his vehicle was stained with hot oil by a malfunctioning hot pump, burning Selak’s hair but not his head.
In 1995 was hit by a bus when crossing a street in Zagreb, Croatia, but He only had minor injuries.. A year later, in 1996, he was saved by a few centimeters from a multiple collision with a truck, jumping from the vehicle into a ravine, but saved by a tree that was at the foot of this.
Source: Ambito