More and more Argentines travel abroad, but fewer foreigners visit Argentina

More and more Argentines travel abroad, but fewer foreigners visit Argentina

This is the report of International Tourism Statistics (ETI) corresponding to November, in which it was revealed that during said period they entered 855,000 non-resident visitors along all access routes to the country; of which 505,100 were tourists and 349,900 were hikerswhich translates into a decrease of 29.2%.

On the other side of the road, last month the temporary departure of Argentines from the country reached 1,168,100 trips, of which 662,300 thousand were tourists and 505,800 were hikers, a growth of 64%.

On the side of hikers, that is, those who do not spend the night during their stay, Visits to Argentine territory decreased by 40% last month and trips abroad increased by 102.3%.

He 58.2% of incoming tourism came from neighboring countries. Brazil contributed the most, with 20.8%, followed by Chile (14.9%) and Uruguay (13.5%).

According to the report, 49% of non-resident tourists arrived in Argentina by air; while 39.8% used the land route; and the remaining 11.3% arrived by river/sea.

Something similar happened with trips abroad as with inbound tourism, since the main destinations were neighboring ones. Chile was the most chosen with 23.9%, followed by Brazil, with 19.3%; and Paraguay, with 13.1%.

47.3% of resident tourists left the country by land; 43.6%, by air; and 9.1%, through the river/sea route.

In total, a negative balance of 313,200 visitors international flights through all access routes to the country, due to the negative balances of 157,200 tourists and of 155,900 hikers.

Source: Ambito

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