Jorge Macri mobilized the troops for the elections and marked the field for libertarians and Peronists: Here the PRO leads

Jorge Macri mobilized the troops for the elections and marked the field for libertarians and Peronists: Here the PRO leads

“The PRO was born 20 years ago and we are going for 20 more years. The faces are renewed but we have the same convictions, leadership and deep determination to defend change and the republic. For that, as Jorge said, we need legislators in the City who defend the autonomy and the future of the City, as we will also have the best candidates for national deputy and senators to defend change, institutions and the republic,” said the former president.

The head of the PRO closed the message by calling on citizens to support the project of the PRO in the city and throughout the country. “That seed of change today flourishes throughout the country thanks to you who Today they embraced change with conviction. If Argentines confirm their confidence in these legislative elections, we will continue there, battling and fighting for our future, with capable and honest people. And I will be there, where you need me,” he said.

Jorge Macri to libertarians and Peronism: “Here the PRO leads”

Then it was the turn of the current head of Government, who thanked Ritondo, to Maria Eugenia Vidal already Macri for participating in the event through separate messages. Regarding the possibilities of the latter being a candidate, he joked: “Be careful, they once told us ‘if you want to compete, put together a party and beat us’ and we beat them. Keep in mind that candidate Mauricio is coming. He’s going to kill me now. On top of that, the guy was born in the Province, and has a residence in the City. You can follow Cristina wherever necessary,” he said when opening his speech.

“There is no doubt that there is no other political party that has improved the quality of life in the City how he did it PRO. We mark a before and after in our history. To that later, because we are still here, we have to keep feeding it to take it further“, began the Buenos Aires mayor regarding the role of the party as a transformer of the Buenos Aires reality.

“Important things are being discussed”continued Macri and put the focus on the relationship between Nation and City: “The conditions of our autonomy. Here goes the first hit on the table. Are they going to respect us as another province or are they going to continue kicking and mistreating this City as they have been doing for years?” he asked. “We are going to defend it. We came to defend the City of Buenos Aires. We believe in what represents. Defending autonomy is one of the most important challenges that we face as a political space,” added the Buenos Aires chief.

In that sense, he highlighted the importance of the election of local legislators who must discuss Buenos Aires autonomy. “Just as 18 years ago we had to take Buenos Aires out of chaos, today we have to defend the full autonomy that this city deserves. We are going to do it as we did in the past, with conviction, with dialogue, firmness, love, respect and tenderness,” he noted.

Jorge Macri in action in Villa Pueyrredon.jpg

Next, Jorge Macri referred to what will be played on PRO in the next elections, in which he will face the libertarian troops, with weight in the Nation, already a strong opposition united in Peronism. “The time has come to revalidate our leadership in the City and we are going to do it firmly,” he did not hesitate.

In that sense, he distanced himself from the libertarian agenda that promotes Javier Milei at the national level, but also from the proposal of the Capital PJ.We want an efficient State and we have it. Light and does not suffocate. But we also love the State, because it is not true – and some do not understand this – that in Argentina not everyone is born with the same opportunities. While in Argentina 5 blocks of difference in where you are born limits or marks your opportunities to progress, we are going to need a State that gives you the tools to progress and be free. After that, yes, fly alone and try hard, that’s what life is about too.“he stated.

Then he referred to the dispute with La Libertad Avanza in the field of the economic agenda, freedom and the republic. “The flags are going to be stolen from us if we hand them over, if we give up or if we swallow the curve that the State is our enemy,” Macri assured in relation to the libertarian pressure to shrink the State.

In the midst of that discussion, the head of Government asked himself “How do you lead?”to which he responded: “We have just announced a gigantic tax reduction like there is no precedent, in a City that also has fiscal balance. In addition, there will continue to be announcements of all kinds. No one sets the agenda for us, the “We define it, because it is what the people of Buenos Aires demand and deserve, but it is also what this historic moment asks of us.”

Just as important as governing well is generating conversation, he continued. And there he spoke to the militancy of the “JPRO”. “Once again, I need you. I need you plugged in, with initiative, wanting to spread this good vibe and the news of what’s coming in the City. I have no doubt that the PRO is the best alternative because it has you. It’s not me. “There are millions of us in Argentina who believe in this way of doing politics,” he said.

At the end, he marked the field for Freedom Advances and Peronism in the face of the elections mid-year. “We don’t look the other way. We take charge, both of what we did and what we need to do. And just like We defend change, we also defend freedom. Freedom is our word too, but not without content, without reason for being, because otherwise it ends up being a hollow word. It’s not about shouting. It is giving tools to others to transform their daily lives. We don’t doubt that for a second. We make it clear that the PRO leads in this city. Here the PRO leads“, hill.

Splitting and suspension of the PASO, the electoral strategy of the PRO in the City

With the mismatch of the local elections regarding the national conflict, and its consequent advancement to July, the electoral dispute in the City has already begun to play out. He Buenos Aires executive opened the debate on the importance of separating the election to focus the campaign on discussions linked to the claims and demands of the citizens of CABA.

In the mid-term elections, the parliamentary ruling party grouped in Let’s go for more (PRO and Civic Coalition) will put a total of eight seats out of the current 15 into play. He Union for the Homeland (UP) bloc, For his part, he must defend eight of a total of 18. The libertarians They will do the same with six of the 8 that they group today. and the UCR Evolution will put three of its 8 in dispute.

The changes in the electoral schedule -not yet made official by decree- generated criticism from the opposition. Libertarians, since Pilar Ramirez until Ramiro Marra, They questioned the expenditure of money that should be made for this purpose. In it peronism, On the other hand, they pointed out that it will give the neighbors the opportunity to take the pulse of the current administration.

One of the reasons for overtaking is to focus the discussion of the campaign on the City’s agenda. “I want to discuss city issues. Whether citizens agree or not with the co-participation that is owed to the porteños. We have to recover more US$5 billion What the Nation owes to the City. It is almost half of the Budget of the entire City for the entire year,” Macri said days ago, in dialogue with C5N.

Macri negotiates wills to achieve the suspension of the PASO

With the announcement of the sending of a project to suspend the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Compulsorythe reaction of La Libertad Avanza exposed the differences within the libertarian faction: Marra welcomed the suspension proposal, while Ramírez, in tune with Nación, asked for its elimination.

It doesn’t seem to me that the discussion doesn’t have to be ‘either we eliminate it or nothing’. It doesn’t always have to be all or nothing. What La Libertad Avanza proposes does not always work. If it had been all or nothing with the Budget, today the City I would not have a Budget. You have to listen to the other. Sometimes they bring good ideas,” Macri had recently stated.

At the moment, the head of Government does not have his own votes to modify the current law. To approve the suspension of the PASSED It must group a total of 40 wills since it is an electoral legislation. He PRO, along with the Civic Coalition, reaches 15 votes. With the support of LLA, the UCR, he socialism and liberals, could reach 39, as was demonstrated in the debate by Clean Sheet.

To achieve his objective, he must negotiate with Peronism. The block of Union for the Homeland It has 18 legislators. If we take into account that the left has 3 other seats, the PRO He will have to fish in the fishbowl of the toughest opposition, where there are 21 votes that will be key to defining the future of the project.

Meanwhile, the head of Government began to play hard in the face of the electoral contest by announcing a tax reduction and exemption from payment of ABL for retired and pensioners. One of the first measures that Macri advanced will be the express return of balances in favor of Gross Income. “The process will be 100% online. It will be resolved in 96 hours. This benefits 221,000 taxpayers“he said at a press conference earlier in the week.

“I want to recognize the support of the legislators who accompanied us in this treatment and allow us today to confirm that they are almost 37,000 retirees who will stop paying ABL if they collect less than 4 minimum pensions and the tax value of their house does not exceed 40,000,000 pesos. This exemption also extends to people with disabilities,” said the head of government.

In addition, he highlighted that the PRO presented in the Legislature “a project to reduce the rate of gross income for areas such as plumbers, gas fitters, electricians, hairdressers, consortium administration, among others.” and one zero rate on the stamp tax for constructions in certain areas of CABA.

Source: Ambito

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