the experts guide

Improves the respiratory and cardiovascular system

The most studied benefit of running is the improvement of heart health. Allison Zielinski, a cardiologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and co-director of the sports cardiology program at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, United States, says running makes the heart “a pump.” stronger and more effective“.

Explains that by making a muscle stronger, this improves cardiac outputa scientific measure of the amount of blood the heart can pump in one minute (measures the strength and efficiency of the cardiovascular system).

Additionally, running has been shown to improve circulationcausing “favorable changes in blood vessels, such as increasing capillary density and improving endothelial reactivity, which is known as vasodilation,” explains cardiologist Zielinski.

Running helps the heart to pump blood with greater capacity and less effort, preventing coronary heart disease. It reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and contributes to the regulation of insulin and blood pressure.

On the other hand, it also provides great benefits in the respiratory system. Strengthens the muscles involved in breathing, generating greater and better oxygenation of the blood. And in turn, running improves the ability lung capacity and performance. This is achieved, in part, by improving the maximum rate at which oxygen can be used, a measurement known as VO2 max (a measurement that reflects the maximum amount of oxygen-rich blood that someone can pump from their heart and deliver to their muscles). to drive movement).

And while this benefits all runners, it has an especially positive impact on smokers or former smokers, helping them regain and improve their ability to breathe properly.



Helps obtain vitamin D

By running, we can be moderately exposed to the natural lightstimulating the production of vitamin D. This nutrient is responsible for the calcium absorptionan essential element to maintain bone health. Still, remember to apply sunscreen.

Helps regulate weight

He running helps speed up basal metabolismwhich refers to the minimum amount of energy that the body requires to maintain its vital functionssuch as breathing, blinking, filtering blood, regulating body temperature or synthesizing hormones.

When basal metabolism accelerates, energy expenditure is greater and the amount of calories burned increases even while at rest. For this reason, running is an activity used for those who want to reduce or control their weight. And this will work more efficiently if it is combined with good nutrition.

Improves mental health

While experiencing the feeling of pleasure from running is one of the best ways to feel happy and relaxed, running and other forms of intense physical exercise offer a variety of mental health benefits.

First of all, it stimulates production of endorphins and serotonin. These neurotransmitters that, among other functions, are responsible for moods. Which explains why many runners experience a feeling of well-being (and even happiness) when finishing the activity, even despite physical exhaustion.

Another advantage is that it helps manage stressas it boosts the body’s ability to handle existing mental tension. Exercise also increases concentrations of norepinephrine, a chemical that helps moderate the brain’s response to this feeling of overwhelm and anxiety. Achieving a calmer state of mind.

Running too prevents cognitive decline. Exercising, especially between ages 25 and 45, stimulates chemicals in the organ that are responsible for preventing degeneration of the hippocampus, an important part of the brain for memory and learning.

Austin “Ozzie” Gontang, a clinical psychotherapist and director of the San Diego Marathon Clinic, says this happens because running increases blood flow to the brain and stimulates the production of a molecule known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor. brain (BDNF, for its acronym in English), “which promotes cgrowth of new neurons and protects existing brain cells“.

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Guide to start running according to the experts

1. To start, start slow and work your way up.

If you start at a slower pace, you can work on developing the endurance, patience and discipline. At the same time, your joints, tendons and bones will have a chance to adapt, giving you time to perfect your running and breathing.

The method of run and walk (known as Ca-Co method) is extremely popular for building endurance, enjoying time spent active, and avoiding injuries. It’s simple, but effective: you run for a predetermined amount of time, take a planned walking break, and repeat. It serves to develop physical condition progressively.

2. Establish a running schedule and find a partner

Running with friends or joining a running group can be motivating and fun. In addition, training with someone increases the chances of completing all the sessions: when you are chatting you are much less aware of the effort you make when running, and knowing that there is a person waiting for you will not keep you at home.

What coaches recommend most is to start with two to three races per week between 15 and 30 minutes, with a day of rest between them.

3. Set realistic and measurable goals to maintain motivation

4. Responsibility, perseverance and commitment are the best secrets to make this activity a habit

Adopt this attitude to take it easy and be consistent. Running coaches ensure that, in this way, you will advance further in your training cycle and faster.

5. Appropriate footwear and clothing

Use footwear running suitable can make a difference in the way you feel during the activity. It offers varying levels of cushioning and support to suit different foot shapes, body sizes, personal preferences, running surfaces and training styles. Choosing footwear that helps your feet rest in an ideal position can reduce the chances of feeling pain or even getting injured.

On the other hand, the clothing you will need for running will vary depending on the weather. Consider key products like sports bras, sweat-wicking T-shirts and pants, and performance tights.

6. Listen to your body

As you progress, listening to your body is key. This way, you avoid doing too much too quickly. It is important to train calmly, as the body needs time to adapt, which is normal.

7. Warm up and stretch before and after running

Spend time warming up and cooling down. If you warm up your body well, it is much easier both to start running and to resist. It serves to pump blood to the muscles and get the neuromuscular system in tune for effort.

Stretching is also essential, since we make the muscle relax and begin to regenerate little by little, avoiding injuries.

8. Good nutrition and hydration

Eat enough to get the energy you need for your workouts, learn what foods and meal times work with your system, and remember drink water before, during and after training.

Source: Ambito

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