teachers ask for greater literacy, inclusive education and technology

teachers ask for greater literacy, inclusive education and technology

The teachers expressed the need for continuous training that meets the demands of a constantly changing educational system. The results of the Primary Learn test 2023 reveal significant data about the teachers’ areas of interestwhich reveals the concerns they have about their professional development.

Based on the responses to the questionnaires, 97% of teachers claim to carry out training after completing their studiesespecially highlighting the areas of pedagogy, language and mathematics. Furthermore, many teachers continue their training through postgraduate and diploma coursesreflecting a commitment to constant learning.

What the report says

According to the report “Continuous training of undergraduate teachers” made by Argentines for Educationa high percentage of primary school teachers identified the areas of literacy, inclusive education and technology as the most relevant for their training.

In fact, among younger teachers, literacy ranks first place in terms of interestclosely followed by the inclusive education and disabilityas well as the pedagogical use of technologies.

This last piece of information highlights a trend among primary school teachers seeking adapt to new demands pedagogical, without leaving aside the traditional themes like literacy. The report not only provides a detailed look at the educational interests of teachersbut also about the needs that arise within the educational field.

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Province of Buenos Aires

The study highlights the difference in the training interests of teachers depending on their age. For teachers with less than 5 years of experienceinitial literacy, the teaching of reading and writing, along with inclusive education and disability, are the priority topics.

On the other hand, for those with between 6 and 20 years of experience and more than 20 yearsinclusive education and disability remain areas of interest, but the pedagogical use of ICT occupies a prominent place.

The data also reflects that a vast majority of Argentine teachers remain committed to their professional training. A 92.6% of teachers has a teaching as initial training, but only a small fraction conducted additional studies, such as postgraduate degrees, diplomas or specializations.

In fact, just the 17% of teachers chose for completing a postgraduate degree, a 11.5% completed a diploma and only a tiny percentage like the 0.6% did in masters or doctorates. This reveals that, despite the availability of continuous training opportunities, the majority of teachers are limited to the more accessible trainingmany times due to not having time.

Emmanuel Listone of the authors of the report, reflects on this phenomenon by pointing out: “Our country has been offering continuous teacher training for decades in various areas, such as teaching with technologies or initial literacy. However, these and other areas continue to be in high demand by teachers of all levels of experience.”

Emmanuel Lista also refers to this problem, stating: “This invites us to reflect on the effectiveness of the training offered to address the real needs of teaching practice, the availability and coverage of training offers or the complexity of implementing effective policies. training on a wide variety of topics.”

The use of technologies and inclusion

One of the topics that stands out in the continuous training of teachers is the upedagogical approach to technologies de Information and Communication (TIC). This is especially evident in more experienced teacherswho recognize the importance of iIntegrate technology into your classrooms to improve student learning.

However, training in these areas is not enoughand many teachers they keep requesting more training to be able to master digital tools effectively.

Besides, inclusive education remains a priority. The report shows that a large part of primary school teachers They feel called to train in this areawhich is essential to ensure that all students, regardless of their conditions or abilities, receive a quality education.

Continuous teacher training not only improves educational quality, but is also a key factor in promoting equity in the educational system.

This approach is not only essential for teachers, but also for students, who directly benefit from better-trained teachers. Teacher training can reduce educational inequalities by providing all teachers with the necessary tools to meet the challenges posed by student diversity.

Furthermore, it is essential that educational policies offer broad and equitable coverage throughout the country. Although statistics show that 97% of teachers participate in trainingit is also true that the quality and relevance of these trainings are not always adequate.

Source: Ambito

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