Trend researcher Horx: “Creative will be the determining forces”

Trend researcher Horx: “Creative will be the determining forces”

Matthias Horx was a guest at the construction day of the Upper Austria Chamber of Commerce.
VL: Martin Greiner, Doris Hummer, Norbert Hartl, Wolfgang Holzhaider

The economically difficult situation is currently pressing the mood. In addition, there is a diffuse zeitgeist who questions everything, unsettled and characterized by the feeling of being unable to master anything. According to the trend and future researcher Matthias Horx, this mixture currently determines thinking and (non-) action by many people.

The fact that there is also a lot of innovation and creativity in humanity showed Horx during his lecture on the construction day of the state guild construction and construction work of the Upper Austria Chamber of Commerce, which took place in Linz this week. The future researcher named sustainability, renewable energies and buildings as an example: “You become more optimistic when you see what is already possible with sustainable and energetic change.”

Tristan Horx

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What will our world look like in 100 years? Why do you need crises? And why can we still be optimistic for the “darn” future?

The future researcher spread confidence: humanity will leave the times of destruction and disruption behind, “the creative, innovative and constructives will be the determining forces again”.

On the construction day, to which around 400 visitors came, as reported, the future was also positively looked into. Chamber of Commerce President Doris Hummer and Martin Greiner, state guild master of the construction aid, spoke of many signs of a thrust reversal. In view of the expiry of the strict credit transfer guidelines (KIM ordinance), falling interest and increased demand from private individuals, the construction industry could look into the future with drive.

More about the construction day:

  • Construction industry: “Now is the right time to accept employees”
VL: Martin Greiner, Doris Hummer, Norbert Hartl, Wolfgang Holzhaider
Image: Cityfoto/furl-Mayrwöger


VL: Martin Greiner, Doris Hummer, Norbert Hartl, Wolfgang Holzhaider
Image: Cityfoto/furl-Mayrwöger

Source: Nachrichten

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