With confirmed dates for the start of classes, the winter break and the closing of the academic year, students and teachers can already plan their activities for a year full of learning and school commitment.
He Government of the City of Buenos Aires He announced the school calendar for him 2025 school cycle. With the dates of Home and the end of classesas well as the Winter holidays Defined, parents and students can begin to organize the school year.
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It is important to remember that the cycle is determined by the CABA Ministry of Educationso the dates can vary between the different provinces of the country.


When classes begin in CABA in 2025
Classes in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires They will begin Monday, February 24 For the initial and primary levels. In the case of secondary levelclasses will start a little later, the Wednesday, March 5.
For their part, teachers and managers will return to classrooms before students, Monday, February 10to perform planning and training tasks.
When the classes end
The CABA school cycle will conclude on Friday December 19 for all educational levels. In this way, classes will end before the end of the year celebrations.
Mar del Plata Winter Vacation.jpg

Date confirmed for winter vacations 2025
Winter holidays in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires will be from July 21 to August 1, 2025. This recess will be extended for two weeks, both for students and for teachers.
Source: Ambito