After a five -year break, a carnival parade through Rufling rolls again

After a five -year break, a carnival parade through Rufling rolls again

Five years ago, it was most recently laughed at the carnival parade in Rufling.
Garden girls lead the train.

The carnival day will only be on March 4, but in Leonding the carnival fools will be rid of the coming weekend a month earlier. There was a five-year break, unintentionally long, as Hannes Seemayr, President of the carnival guild El-Li-Scho Rufling. But exactly five years after the last carnival parade to date, the customs festival on the street celebrates its comeback again.

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In Rufling, the fifth season is heralded with the large carnival parade. The Ruflingers do not remain alone, but have again invited carnival guilds from the surrounding area as well as clubs and carnival friends from all over Upper Austria. With around 35 carnival cars and foot groups, Seemayr, who will be on Ruflinger Straße from the sports field to the Dorfstadl in the heart of the Leondingen district.

Topics remain secret

Until Sunday, a strictly kept secret usually remains which topics are treated and what costumes the individual groups have come up. “If you want to know more, you just have to be there and watch on February 9th,” advises the president of the carnival guild El-Li-Scho Rufling, the organizer of the popular move. Incidentally, this is listed as usual by the guard girls and the Schalmeszug of the carnival guild. That too has a tradition.

Garden girls lead the train.


Garden girls lead the train.

Source: Nachrichten

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