The United States inflation For the 2020-2024 period it turned out to be 21% according to the CPI data revealed by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Expanding the temporary horizon at 20 years, the figure amounts to 51.5% Or, what is the same, 2.5% on average each year. Statistics require us to look for alternatives to limit this impact.
On January 15, it was announced that inflation of USA culminated last year with an advance of 2.9%, percentage less than the previous year (3.4%) but still far from the long -term objective of the Federal Reserve (Fed) 2%.
Moreover, the assumption of the president -elect Donald Trump and the possible restitution of tariff policies for imported goods would be inflationary and hindered the margin of Fed maneuver to continue with a peas bassist path for the current year.
In this context, the timing of the money laundering favored the Argentine savers who, for fear of leaving their money in the bank and/or given the impossibility of buying dollars in the official market due to the exchange rate, could externalize their savings; which not only represents an opportunity for regularization but also an investment opportunity in a context of greater global nominality.
As history shows, dollars have lost 21% purchase power in just five years. Therefore, today it is not only about winning more, but also losing less.
What are the corporate bonds with yields of up to 8%?
In this context, during the last year, several Argentine companies returned to the international and local debt market by issuing bonds in dollars, which does not directly imply that their leverage has increased loudly, but in many cases the new debt served to cancel old commitments A higher interest rate.
Some examples of them were Ypf, tgs, pampa energy, telecom, among others. This phenomenon was possible thanks to the improvements in the country’s financial conditions (lower country risk, accumulation of reserves, lower inflation, among other macroeconomic data), which contributed to the reduction of financing rates and facilitated the participation of new companies with projects within the framework of Rigi, allowing them to be financed directly with private investors and not only through bank financing or with their own capital.
An example of recent success in the local market is Pluspetrol, a company of the Oil & Gas sector located mainly in Muerta Vacawhich managed to issue two corporate bonds in dollars for a total of U $ S197 millionwith an annual rate of 6% for the term of 36 months and 7.5% for the period of 60 months. The funds obtained will be used to enhance investments in the Neuquina basin.
Pluspetrol Vaca Muerta
Finally, and very relevant, it is not necessary to accumulate large volume of money to begin. Common investment funds, as is the case with FCI BALANZ Usd Savingswhich allows to subscribe from USD 100, delegates the selection of assets to a professional team that will seek the best opportunities achieving yields around 6-7% per year in dollars.
For an inverting profile with market knowledge, you can directly buy negotiable obligations in dollars, such is the case of the recent bond issued by Ypf expiration in 2034 (YM34O), an annual 8.25% interest and a performance of 8% per year in dollars.
In general, yields range between 7-8% for corporate bonds foreign lawdepending on the period of investment and credit rating of the sender.
Finally, in the Spectrum of Corporate Emissions Local Law, it is interesting to take advantage of the new emissions as was the case of Pluspetrol mentioned above with yields ranging from 5% to 7% per year in dollars.
Director of Wealth Managementen Balanz.
Source: Ambito