What implies WHO’s departure after government decision

What implies WHO’s departure after government decision

He Government He announced his departure from the World Health Organization (WHO) this Wednesday and the decision generated the movement of various voices. A report from the Foundation Sanitary sovereignty He affirms that some consequences entail the lack of access to vaccines, technologies and health supplies and the support of specialized programs. Three specialists spoke with Scope and gave their impression on the implications of the government decision.

Beyond political fluctuations

The clinical doctor Luis Cámera (MN 51995) was against the decision and said: “We cannot ignore a regulatory entity that many expert people havewhich has the attitude of influencing its knowledge in many countries whose operational capacity to solve some issues is very difficult. “

Finally, the doctor said “although I have in some particular area intellectual questions, the organization itself is very helpful for the vast majority of the countries they need A regulatory, trainer, academic entity, a teaching unit and that can guide your steps. “

WHO, a global health advisor

On the other hand, the infectologist, and director of vaccines of the Guest Foundation, Florence Cahn He pointed to this media that WHO, although it is not an agency that makes the last decision, “it is an advisor that brings together the health teams of the different countries of the world”, so that its power is that of “recommendation “

Cahn pointed out that, among the possibilities it offers, lA organization allows “to facilitate scientific evidence to countries and people”in addition to its role in the “sanitary emergency coordination such as outbreaks or the appearance of new diseases.”

As an example, Cahn talked about measles: “We are currently facing a measles outbreak, with two new cases in the city of Buenos Aires, And much of the handling and outbreak control has to do with WHO guidelines. So it is very important to be part. ”

“This tendency to go outside the lines of scientific evidence really worries,” he said. On the departure of Argentina, Cahn considered that This “creates a lot of uncertainty about what other similar measures can take later“And how the country is positioned at the level of global health.


“It was shocking that in full pandemia the WHO said ‘stop using chins,” Pizzi exemplified.

“Argentina has brilliant universities”

From another perspective, the epidemiologist Hugo Pizziprofessor and researcher at National University of Córdobahe affirmed to this medium that before the decision he has “feelings found.” But he also points out that WHO has been politicized and there were many mistakes. ” “It was shocking that in full pandemic it would say ‘they stop using chins because Covid is a pathology that is not acquired by upper airways,” he exemplified.

“At this time, the Dean of Medicine of Córdoba is the one who presides over all the Faculties of Medicine of Latin America and the Caribbean. We are constantly contact With international universities, with first level centers“He said.

In general, Pizzi concludes that with the withdrawal of WHO “Nothing will happen because Argentina has universities that are brilliant. Therefore, the groups, committees and others will collaborate with everything that is necessary before any eventuality. “

What consequences does the WHO withdrawal for Argentina have

According to the organization Health sovereigntyaccess to the rotary and strategic background “that makes millions in the purchase of health technologies and supplies” would be ceased to have access. ” The Support for communicable and noncommunicable disease programs, mental, maternal health, vaccines, inter alia.

The measure also affects the status gained from collaborating centers in laboratories such as Single National Institute Coordinator of Ablation and Implant (Incucai), Malbrán Institute and Anlis.

This situation would bring the “consequence of being out of international networks that improve our practices,” says the foundation, and states that Argentina has a series of collaborating centers that work in a network with those of other countries“strengthening own capacities and keeping the country in high standards of international quality and recognition.”


This situation would bring the

This situation would bring the “consequence of being out of international networks that improve our” health “practices.

Other consequences

  • In the case of a new pandemiccooperation would be canceled in direct technical support; purchase of supplies and equipment; Personnel hiring, among other possible utilities.
  • It would weaken the approach to rare or unattended diseases, not only technical collaboration is received but also in many occasions also donation of orphan medications
  • In case of natural disasters or man caused by man, There would be absence of “support from the specialized emergency units of the PAHO, and must be organized, without the support of emergency technical teams and/or quick response and logistics of health inputs.”
  • It would harm the provinces weakening their technical capacity.

The Government confirmed that Argentina retires from WHO

As advanced Scopethe government of Javier Milei will withdraw Argentina from the World Health Organization (WHO). This was confirmed on Wednesday by presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni at his usual press conference at Casa Rosada. The decision is based on “deep differences in health management“, During the management of former president Alberto Fernández.

“President Milei instructed Chancellor Gerardo Werthein To withdraw Argentina’s participation in WHO“Adorni said. The National Government’s decision comes after the president of the United States, Donald Trump, also effectively makes the output of the American country from the organization.

Source: Ambito

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