Dollar today: how much it closed on Tuesday, August 20

Dollar today: how much it closed on Tuesday, August 20

He official dollar-without taxes- increased at $924.21 for purchase and $983.03 for sale. In it Banco Nación, the bill closed without changes at $923 for purchase and $963 for sale.

In the informal square, The blue dollar rose for the second consecutive day, According to a survey by Scope in the caves of the City.

He Central Bank (BCRA) closed the day with a Net purchase of US$50 millionfor which reason chained 11 consecutive wheels with a positive balanceMarket sources noted that a lower level of supply was noted, but that import demand fell even further.

In this context, the Reservations international gross prices climbed to US$27.674 millionthe highest figure since July 16.

How much is the official dollar trading today, Tuesday, August 20?

In the official exchange market, the Wholesale dollar rose 50 cents to $944.50.

How much is the dollar futures trading today, Tuesday, August 20?

In it Matba Rofexthe dollar future for the end of August fell to $955, while for September it rose 0.1% to $987. Meanwhile, the contract for for December it climbed 0.3% to $1,096.

The annual nominal rate (TNA) for the August term is 39.3%, just below the monetary policy rate. For its part, the TNA in September it is 39.3% and in December it is 44.1%.

How much is the blue dollar sold for today, Tuesday, August 20?

He Blue dollar rose $5 to $1,355 for sale, According to a survey by Scope in the caves of the City.

How much is the MEP dollar worth today? Tuesday, August 20

He MEP dollar go up to $1,297.56 so the gap with the official is 37.2%.

CCL dollar value today, Tuesday, August 20

He dollar Cash with Settlement (CCL) advances to $1,288.77 and the spread with the official one it reaches 36.3%.

Dollar card price today, Tuesday, August 20

He dollar card or touristand the dollar savings (either solidary) remained in $1,540.80.

Crypto dollar quote today, Tuesday, August 20

He crypto dollar or Bitcoin dollar quoted at $1,304.44 according to Bitso.

Source: Ambito

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