“It’s not a game”: strong repudiation from the political spectrum to a publication by Javier Milei in which he mocks pedophilia

“It’s not a game”: strong repudiation from the political spectrum to a publication by Javier Milei in which he mocks pedophilia

“Graphic evidence of the pedophile deputy from Misiones wanting to abuse a boy”says the text of the controversial post, emphasizing the height difference between the two politicians.


Strong repudiation from the entire political spectrum to Milei’s “repost” of the tweet about the deputy accused of pedophilia

The radical bloc of deputies, headed by Rodrigo de Loredo, pointed out that Milei “takes lightly an aberrant crime such as child abuse” and that is why “perhaps “should do child abuse training.”

They also stressed that Tetaz “can defend himself” but “children who are abused cannot. The President must have a exemplary conducteven if he doesn’t like it,” the radical bench stressed.

Individually, De Loredo also expressed that “It is a real shame to trivialize such a sensitive issue as child abuse. and pedophilia, using in this case the figure of the deputy Tetaz and the president echoing it. My repudiation and my solidarity with the victims of this crime“, he said.

The radical legislator from Mendoza, Pamela Verasay, also joined in the repudiation and maintained that “Such an aberrant crime against minors cannot be taken as a joke.”

“May the President of all Argentines be the one who It is alarming that it has fallen so low. “I totally repudiate this attitude and I stand in solidarity with Tetaz,” he stressed.

Also from the UCR, Dayna Tavela stressed that “It is not a game, it is not a joke, and it trivializes an aberrant crime. He does this by harassing Congressman Tetaz, who has deepened the debate on how to finance the increase for our pensioners. “No to insensitivity or authoritarianism,” he stressed.

For her part, the president of the Women and Diversity Commission, Monica Machaof Union for the Homeland (UxP), regretted that “pedophilia and sexual abuse of children lives in society every day” and he said: “This is demonstrated by the situation of the libertarian deputy Germán Kiczka. We have a president who mocks children who suffer this sexual assault“What a shame and what a disgrace,” Macha lamented.

For his part, the social leader Juan Grabois express: “If there’s one thing that doesn’t work, it’s this. You’re sick, Javier.” and asked the president to ““When he is admitted,” he will “take” Vice President Victoria Villarruel with him..

Source: Ambito

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