
Guillermo Francos answered 2,135 questions from deputies: IMF, dollar, lifting of the currency controls and BCRA, among the main definitions

Guillermo Francos answered 2,135 questions from deputies: IMF, dollar, lifting of the currency controls and BCRA, among the main definitions

The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francoshas everything ready to present his first management report to Congress this Wednesday at 11 a.m. This Tuesday he released the answers to 2,135 questions made by the deputies from different blocks. The Ministry of Economy It is the portfolio with the most questions (628), followed by Human Capital (441), Chief of Staff (191), and the ministries of Health (189), Justice (182), and Security (133).

It is expected a long sessionamong six and seven hourswhere Franks will discuss a wide variety of issues related to the Government. Dollar, inflation, employmentthe application of the RIGIhe veto to the reform of the retirement mobilityhe decree that limits access to the public information and the million-dollar allocations to the SIDEwill be some of the issues that the Chief of Staff will have to answer.

Francos’ presentation responds to a constitutional obligationArticle 101 of the Magna Carta establishes that the Chief of Staff must attend Congress every month, alternating between the two Chambers, to give a management report on the direction of the Government. Such frequency has never been respected by any administration, but they have periodically fulfilled this duty. Franco’s is the second time that the libertarian administration has done so since Javier Milei assumed the presidency.


According to the information provided by the Cabinet Office, “they had received 3,535 requests from legislators which, once unified in the Coordination of Reports, were consolidated in the 2,135 queries current”. Franks He has already responded in writing and will make a presentation to the House of Representatives on Wednesday.

The main definitions

Although the topics were varied, stand out those linked to the economy (cepo, dollar, inflation) and pensions, after the presidential veto. There are also questions about the trips of President Javier Milei abroad and expenses at Quinta de Olivos, as well as human rights and the juvenile penal regime.

About the exit from the trapthe Government explained that it will be given when “fiscal balance is achieved, the resolution of the stocks of accumulated debt in pesos and dollars of the BCRA, the elimination of all monetary issuance flows, the normalization of trade flows and a sufficient recomposition of reserves.”

Along the same lines, the investigation was also carried out on the intentions by Javier Milei of eliminate he Central Bankwhich was one of his campaign promises: “The President of the Nation was very clear during the campaign about the future economic and political objectives of his presidency. Along those lines, the President plans to continue with his proposal,” he said.

When asked about the relationship with the IMF, Francos said in the report that “at present A new agreement with the International Monetary Fund is not being negotiated“, but it is not ruled out in the future. This would not mean a bad relationship between the international organization and the Government, the report states.

In fact, “The new economic program was reviewed and approved by the IMF without any problems. On January 31, the seventh review of the Extended Facilities Agreement was approved by the IMF Board, allowing a disbursement of USD 4.7 billion. Then, on June 13, the Board approved the eighth review of the agreement, enabling a disbursement of around USD 800 million to continue supporting the authorities’ efforts to strengthen the disinflation process, rebuild fiscal and external reserves, and shore up the recovery. In this review, the goals for the first quarter of 2024 were evaluated, and according to the IMF statement, “the results were better than expected,” it specified.

Dollar and exchange rate: is there a delay?

In one of the responses, the Government returns to defend he current exchange rate and assures that it is not behind. In this sense, denies that the sale of dollars in cash with liquidation is aimed at containing the rise in this price. In fact, it has a “primarily monetary and anti-inflationary” objective.

Why wouldn’t the official dollar be behind? “The Ministry of Economy reports that, after the macroeconomic adjustments of the first months of management, at the fiscal, monetary and exchange level, the level of the official exchange rate It is considered adequate, supported by the surplus of the external accounts and by other current macroeconomic balances.“, reply.

In another section, he was asked about his promise of dollarization. As Milei has been doing for months, she does not rule it out but kicks it forward: “One of the goals of this government is free competition between currencies and dollarization, when economic conditions allow it.“.

Visits to genocidaires and pardon projects

The response was categorical. Without condemning the visit or repudiating the dictatorship, the government distanced itself from the flag of its vice president, Victoria Villarruel.It is not part of the agenda of the President of the Nation, nor of the National Government, to promote any type of pardon to the condemned for justice in crimes of crimes against humanity“, Francos replied.


The Government confirmed that will advance in the privatizations of the public companies that did not fall under the exceptions of the Bases Law. Asked about those linked to the Armed Forces, Francos said that “Each case will be dealt with individually“, but did not give precise dates.

The affected companies are TANDANOR, FADEA, FABRICACIONES MILITARES, COVIARA and IMPSA. Despite these changes, the procedures for this are being analysed. This will be done “once the necessary guarantees are in place to ensure a transparent and sustainable project over time”.

Who asked the most questions?

The political force that more questions performed, by far, was Union for the Homeland (UP)with 1041. It is followed by the UCR (401), he PRO (208), Federal Meeting (143), Civic Coalition (131), the left with 5 members and two blocks carried out (128), he Neuquén Popular Movement (8), he MID by Oscar Zago (2) and Believe (4).

Meanwhile, the ranking of legislators with the most consultations is headed by one of UP, Eduardo Toniolliwhich made 98. On this occasion, the left took second place. Vanina Biasi of FITU did 72. Then, among those who asked the most, they follow Juan Marino (69 – UP), Ana Carla Carrizo (68 – Citizen Evolution), Monica Schlotthauer (67 – FITU), Martin Maquieyra (59 – PRO), Leandro Santoro (57 – UP); and Nicolas Del Caño (53 – FITU).

Source: Ambito

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