For ten years, the “Cuidalaslolas” initiative has promoted the link between doctors, patients and artists to raise awareness.
Within the framework of the month of Breast Cancer Awarenessthe initiative ““Take care of them” presents on October 1st the 11th edition of its Digital Art Gallery 2024 “Synchronicities”.
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This concept symbolizes the invisible ties that connect patients, medical professionals, artists and organizations that support this cause, weaving a network of awareness and hope in the fight against breast cancer. In addition to raising awareness, we seek to promote More and more women have access to controls, diagnoses and timely and effective treatments against the disease.
For more than 10 years“Cuidalaslolas” uses art as a tool to raise awareness among the population about the importance of early detection of breast cancera disease that affects 1 in 8 women throughout their lives, but if detected in time, is curable in 95% of cases.
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Digital Gallery “Synchronies”
The Digital Gallery brings together more than 400 Argentine and international artistswho during the last decade have left their stamp of solidarity to collaborate with the early detection of breast cancer. In Sincronías, they capture in their works the concept of the invisible connections that unite us and reflect the testimonies of patients, doctors and collaborators who, over the years, have contributed to extending the network of support and awareness.
During the month of October, those who wish to support the campaign can do so by sharing on their social networks the works exhibited in the Digital Gallery, available at the “Cuidalaslolas” websitethus helping to amplify the message of awareness and prevention. In addition, the works will be available to all those who wish to actively participate in spreading the message. The Digital Gallery already has more than 600 works, 165 of which were added for the 2024 edition.
Throughout its 10 years of history, the campaign promoted by the design and digital marketing agency ID4YOU, has reached more than 9 million women, donated 150 mammograms to women without medical coverageand gathered the support of 50 companies and organizations that collaborate every year to spread this important cause.
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(Un) Wait, by Valeria Mondelo.
Source: Ambito
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