Without future, there is no present

Without future, there is no present

How much impact will the veto of the university financing law in the public opinion of young people? The expected response would be that it would largely negatively impact that age segment. However, Most of them encounter other challenges such as carrying out their daily lives.

Throughout the national territory, according to certain data, in 2022 – the last record available – there were 2,714,277 university students, of which 2,162,947 were studying in state-run universities and university institutes. At the same time, at the national level, Poverty affects 66% of children and adolescents. Between 2019 and 2023, poverty in this age group ranged around 52-58%. In the case of indigence, the percentage is 27%.

Education as a tool for social advancement had been questioned in Argentina and in the world. This perception is enhanced by the greater presence of Artificial Intelligence, which provides the feeling that it is not necessary to acquire knowledge since it would be at hand when in reality what is available is mere information, which of course, has been interpreted by third parties, further nullifying the capacity for critical thinking of the young person who consults

Only two out of every ten students who begin primary school manage to reach the last year of secondary school on time and with a satisfactory level in language and mathematics. Secondly, they show a lack of soft skills, such as perseverance, responsibility and the ability to adapt, so necessary to perform in the world of work.

According to the latest data published by INDECthe unemployment rate is approximately three times higher among young people aged 18 to 24 (19.5%) compared to the population average (7%), reaching 21.5% for women. Furthermore, among young wage earners, informality reaches 63%, almost double the general average (36%) in a context in which 1 in 3 formal workers are below the poverty line. This situation is worrying due to its short-term implications and the impact on its future prospects.

Such Exclusion condemns them to live in a continuous present where surviving each day is the premise due to not being able to structure a life project. since in a good part of the new generations, work does not provide identity as it once did, but only money. Project that lives in the present in infinite domestic situations. Why are we usually happier on Fridays than on Sundays? Certainly it is the projection of the weekend or the return to the work or study routine that determines. We live projecting and we tend to avoid the present moment, which is a way of escaping from life, remaining captive to our ideas. This results in the growing need for momentary sensations and emotions to feel alive with undoubted impacts on addictions of all kinds such as gambling addiction (so prevalent today in adolescents) or problematic substance use.

Where is identity, belonging and the life project in a globalized world that is increasingly changing due to the acceleration of automation? Such elements are essential to guide the individual actions of young people. This situation in a framework of rejection of the entire political arc and little visibility of rights, surely this veto will not greatly change the opinion of the youth public.

In the West we live in increasingly disjointed societies that leave young people free to a kind of shipwreck ethic: every man for himself.

Sociologist and social psychologist

Source: Ambito

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