Javier Milei, before businessmen: “We are going to put the trap on the State”

Javier Milei, before businessmen: “We are going to put the trap on the State”

The president Javier Milei assured that “the trap” is going to be “put on the State”at the same time that he thanked the sector of the political leadership that “does not seek to ‘caranchear’ votes” and that wants “a true change for the country of its children.”

“We are going to put the trap on the State”said the president in the speech he gave at the World Economic Forum held at the Libertad Palace where some of his Cabinet ministers will later speak.

Milei also said: “Nobility obliges, I would like to thank the sector of the political leadership that does not seek to ‘caranchear’ votes and that seeks true change for the country of its children and supports us by upholding our vetoes and our reforms to guarantee balance. fiscal and economic balance”.


Javier Milei spoke to businessmen at an event at the World Economic Forum.


“There is another sector that wants nothing to change, that wants to continue protecting its privileges at the expense of all Argentines, that ‘carancho’ opposition that said that we were leaving in January, at Easter, in June and now they don’t know where to go because the chainsaw is still more on than ever,” he asserted.

Javier Milei thanked the dialogue opposition

The president Javier Milei He thanked the dialogue opposition for the support of his management in Congress, and assured that his Government did not lose “an iota of social support” after ten months of administration, despite having implemented the largest adjustment in history.

During his presentation at the World Economic Forum taking place at the Libertad Palace, the president assured that “the trap” is going to be “put on the State”at the same time that he thanked the sector of the political leadership that “does not seek to ‘caranchear’ votes” and that wants “a real change for the country of its children.”

“While the rest of the leadership dedicated themselves to putting restraints on individual freedoms with disastrous results, we came to put a restraint on the State once and for all. That is, we are going to put the restraints on the State,” he said. the president.

Along the same lines, he continued: “And it is precisely the drastic reduction in public spending that we are carrying out that will allow us to return, in lower taxes, to the private sector the product that the State stole from it.”

Javier Milei spoke before businessmen and was interrupted by Thor’s barking

The president, Javier Mileiwas giving a speech to businessmen at a World Economic Forum event, when he was interrupted by the barking of Thor, his sister Karina’s dog.


Javier Milei spoke before businessmen and was interrupted by Thor’s barking.


The Secretary of the Presidency attended the event taking place at the Libertad Palace with the dog, and sat in the second row to listen to the Head of State’s speech. However, after a few minutes the Bernese Mountain Dog began to get uncomfortable.

“You’re right, Thor.”Milei joked while arguing: “He’s saying not to offend the dogs by saying that the previous ones were dogs.”

The Head of State also justified himself before the businessmen and women who listened attentively to him in the auditorium. “The effects of birthdays are noticeable”he said between laughs.

It is worth remembering that on Tuesday the president turned 54 years old and celebrated it at Casa Rosada with a meeting in the North Room attended by forty guests. The festivities continued in the afternoon at Quinta de Olivos, where his girlfriend Amalia “Yuyito” González organized a “meriencena” for his inner circle.

Source: Ambito

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