To schedule: what are the holidays that will be in December 2024

To schedule: what are the holidays that will be in December 2024

As December approaches, millions of people begin to plan their holiday activities. end of year. This month, marked by the culmination of a cycle and the preparation of new projects for 2025, brings with it two national holidays. How to take advantage of these days of rest and what do they mean in the Argentine calendar?

With the end of the year on the horizon, December holidays They represent an opportunity to reflect on what has been experienced and project the future. These days not only interrupt the routine, but also invite you to enjoy family moments or engage in recreational activities in a month full of festivities.


For those who work on weekends, this December 8th you will be able to be at home putting together the tree as a family thanks to the immovable holidays

December 2024 holiday calendar

The last month of the year has two national holidays. The first is the December 8Day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. In 2024, this date falls on a Sunday, which means that many people will not be able to take advantage of it as an extra day of rest. This holiday, which has a religious character, is immovable and cannot be moved to another date.

The second holiday in December is December 25Christmas. This day commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and is a Christian holiday recognized throughout the world. In 2024, it will fall on a Wednesday, offering a brief respite in the middle of the work week.

It is important to keep in mind that, according to the Law 27,399, national holidays guarantee mandatory rest. If working on these dates, the employee must receive a double remuneration.

Is the December 8th holiday passed?

December 8, Immaculate Conception Day, is a national holiday immovable. This means that it is always celebrated on the same date no possibility of movingregardless of what day of the week it falls on. Therefore, in 2024, coinciding with a Sundaya long weekend will not be generated.

According to current legislation, immovable holidays, such as December 8, are established for their historical or religious relevance and require a legislative change to be modifieds. This type of holiday ensures that the commemoration remains intact on the calendar, year after year.

On the other hand, this holiday marks the beginning of Christmas celebrations and becomes a meeting time for families. Although it is not transferable, its meaning remains relevant both in the religious sphere and in Argentine social tradition.

With these two days of rest in December, the 2024 annual holiday cycle closes. These days not only offer the possibility of disconnecting, but also of reflecting on the year that is ending and planning new beginnings in 2025.

Source: Ambito

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