Juan Carlos Maqueda, with a veiled message: “I am worried because the institutions of democracy are being weakened”

Juan Carlos Maqueda, with a veiled message: “I am worried because the institutions of democracy are being weakened”

December 9, 2024 – 9:20 p.m.

He threw darts against what he considered “dark clouds” in institutional quality and the division of powers. He encompassed his criticism in a global trend but mentioned “fear” for the Legislative and Judicial Powers, with allegories that resonated at the local level.


Honored by the Public Bar Association and the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires after 22 years of career in the Supreme Court, Juan Carlos Maqueda shot surgical darts regarding the institutionalityin a veiled message to the National Government of Javier Milei20 days away from leaving the highest Court, in part, forced by the Executive Branch that did not give him room for renewal.

“I want to leave you just a message about a topic on which I see dark clouds,” Maqueda began his thank-you speech. “It seriously worries me because it compromises all of us,” he said about the topic he was going to address and which he exemplified on a global level, but with some touches that resonated at the local level, mentioning the difference between “democracy” and “autocracy” and in the alleged subjugation of the Executive over the Legislative and Judicial powers.

“I fear for the judicial powers and I also fear for the legislative powers; I fear for the institutionality. I see that in the world there is greater concern about the results than about the methods to achieve those results,” he pointed out. “We have to return to the path of institutions, demanding legislative powers to fulfill their function, vindicating the judicial power that is annoying for the Executive, but the annoyance is because of the limits that are set and we have to continue vindicating those limits”he launched at the end, as a conclusion and warning for the “dark clouds” he perceives.

On the other hand, he had exemplified what had been the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Economics to two writers who described the importance of institutions in economic development. “These two authors tell us that one of the fundamental pillars is the stability of the institutions and their quality,” he said. And he warned that he now perceives “a disorganized world,” where he gave examples of China, Russia, Iran and even the United States with a “weakened judicial power” based on a specific ruling by the Supreme Court of that country that releases the limits to “non-judicial political issues.”

“Today, unlike when we were younger, democratic institutions are being weakened in democracy and this generates concern. It seems that today we no longer feel as much integration in democracy as in times past. It also seems that the difference between democracy and autocracy is more valid today than ever, but the limits are blurred,” he questioned..

“Democracy is not just about electing presidents, nor are there countries that develop deeply with the superiority of one power over other powers, over the Legislative and the Judicial” was his most forceful criticism.

The point made by Maqueda, who does not usually speak publicly, resonated as a high-impact political message in which he criticized Javier Milei’s administration with chosen subtlety. The audience applauded his intervention, perhaps the last before leaving the highest court.

Source: Ambito

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