Mauricio Macri intervened the PRO of Córdoba and raised the tension to the maximum internally

Mauricio Macri intervened the PRO of Córdoba and raised the tension to the maximum internally

Mauricio Macri intervened this Friday PRO in Cordova and raised the tension to the maximum with the head of the party in the province, the national deputy Oscar Agost Carreñowho had called internal elections for February 2025.

Faced for a long time, Agost Carreño is not a member of the yellow bench in Congress, but is part of Federal Meetinga diverse space commanded by the Peronist Miguel Ángel Pichettowhere former macristas such as Nicolas Massot and Emilio Monzo.

Mauricio Macri intervened the PRO of Córdoba

This Friday, just days after making official the call for elections to renew party authorities, the head of the Córdoba space accused Macri of “ignoring federalism and democracy to continue killing the great party he founded.”

“Today they intervened in the PRO Córdoba and all its authorities; they did so for ideological reasons and to avoid internal elections in order to decide in Buenos Aires the Córdoba candidacies for 2025,” the leader fired on his social networks.

In this regard, he considered that “There is no justification for this arbitrary decision, and I deeply regret that they did not dare to go to the polls, which are the basis of democracy.

Finally, Agost Carreño assured that he will continue “fighting to the last consequences to defend the autonomy and, above all, the political rights of the PRO Córdoba members.” “Federalism, transparency and democracy are not proclaimed, they are practiced,” he concluded.

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Among the main names that emerged as possible PRO interveners in Córdoba, the Buenos Aires legislator and former secretary of Macri stood out, Dario Nietoalthough finally the former president would have leaned towards Laura Alonso.

Just days ago, the deputy had made official the call for internal elections for February 22, 2025, with the aim of defusing a possible attack by Macri, an event that was ultimately unsuccessful.

On the occasion, the legislator pointed out that the political parties, and especially the PRO, ““They must give clear signals of transparency and democracy, at a time when a considerable part of society is putting political institutions and their members in crisis.”

He assured, at the same time, that these internal elections are “transcendental to continue building a PRO Córdoba that is stronger, more representative and connected to its fundamental values.”

The fight between the PRO and La Libertad Avanza

The news of the intervention of the Córdoba PRO was known at the same time as the summit that Mauricio Macri He presided over the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Abasto with the party’s board of directors. There were, among others, the head of the Buenos Aires Government, Jorge Macri; Fernando de Andreis; and the vice president of the space and mayor of Vicente López, Soledad Martínez.

There, directives were awaited from Macri to begin rehearsing a more belligerent stance with the government of Javier Milei, with whom he has several open fronts.

This Thursday, for example, La Libertad Avanza (LLA) made a 180-degree turn and ended up voting to expel Edgardo Kueider of the Senate, isolating their yellow allies, who voted divided.

This compulsion also had replicas in the Buenos Aires Legislature, where the libertarians voted against the Budget 2025 sent by the City government, a fact that kept the CABA authorities in suspense. Finally, without the votes of the LLA bench, the project was approved in the early morning.

Source: Ambito

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