After Javier Milei accused his vice president of presiding over an “invalid session” in the Senate while he was out of the country, Villarruel received all kinds of criticism from Patricia Bullrich for questioning the Argentine gendarme’s trip to Caracas. From the increase in allowances in the Senate that will be operational from January 1 to its role within the Government.
Now Judge, head of the PRO senators, the main ally of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) in the chamber, has joined in, who explicitly accused Villarruel. “It generated that shit session”bellowed in radio statements in relation to the session where the increase in diets was defined.
Debate in the Senate
Last April, the senators voted to apply an increase in per diems based on the pre-established salary increases for employees of the National Congress. The increase became effective for the following months and, after criticism, they decided to roll back the measure in August. It stated that the legislators would begin to collect allowances of $9 million.
In the last session of 2024, Villarruel tried to carry out the discussion on diet in the midst of the debate on the future of former senator Kueider, although it was not successful: “I requested that the freezing of the senators’ allowances be addressed, because as of January 1 they begin to be updated automatically. An issue that I hope the senators will address “he had warned. The vice president is thus left practically without a scheme of allies in the room.
In addition to the “friendly fire” of Javier Milei and Patricia Bullrich, the current provisional president of the Senate, Bartolomé Abdala, joinedthe same one who admitted on prime time television that he uses his congressional advisors to campaign for governor in San Luis.
Senate Thread Politics
The debate over Victoria Villaruel’s role on the Senators’ allowances
Mariano Fuchila
“It is not an opportune moment considering the effort our Government is making to reduce public spending,” said the vice president. Likewise, he emphasized that, “the day inflation tends to go down,” it will be “logical” that the senators who argue the need for the increase “be accompanied.” Abdala came out not only to criticize Villarruel but also to take care of his position as provisional president since Javier Milei has Luis Juez as a favorite to replace him in the February high school where the Senate must ratify his authorities.
Judge not only has a direct personal relationship with Milei but is a key player in reinforcing the electoral flow of La Libertad Avanza in Córdoba and dealing a political blow to Mauricio Macro who has just dictated the intervention of his party in that province. Abdala was until now a soldier of Victoria Villarruel.
The head of the PRO bloc, however, has another competitor for the provisional presidency. This is the libertarian Ezequiel Atauche who, despite having been involved in his own incidents, would enjoy the confidence of Casa Rosada to displace Abdala in February.
Victoria Villarruel in the spotlight
The crossed distrust between the President and his vice was fired by Milei’s statements where he affirms that his running mate has no interference in the decision-making scheme and that he is outside the cabinet meetings. That is why the national government seeks to put a senator of the President’s utmost confidence in front of an eventual replacement for Abdala, taking into account that the provisional presidency of the Senate is in the line of succession with constitutional rank.
This weekend, Judge went to Villarruel for his comments about the gendarme Nahuel Gallo. “Vanity is a horrible mirror, you look at yourself, you see yourself with interesting numbers and you already think that you have San Pedro by the underpants and that is nonsense, because today you are on the crest of the wave and tomorrow at the bottom of Mar. You have to be part of a team. Play as a 4”, was the criticism of the senator from Córdoba. “Those expressions don’t do well. You can’t just try to take advantage. I told them, ‘Go down four changes, Victoria.’ You have to understand how the institution of the vice presidency works, which gathers votes for the president.” “You have to manage your egos,” was his advice to the vice president.
Source: Ambito
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