The most recent movement within the organizational chart of the State Intelligence Secretariat (SIDE) promoted the first activity of Congress of 2025. This Wednesday, an information meeting of the Bicameral Intelligence Commission took place, where details of the objections that exist to the appointment of Diego Kravetz in charge of sensitive areas of the Intelligence agency.
With experience as a Security official in the municipality of Lanús and the city of Buenos Aires, this week it was learned that Kravetz will be the SIDE Director of Operations and will have under his command three of the four organizations that the entity has: the Argentine Intelligence Service (SIA), the National Security Agency (ASN) and the Federal Cybersecurity Agency (AFC),
According to different sources consulted by Scope, the appointment of Diego Kravetz has not yet been made official to the Commissionbut it was learned through extra-legislative notifications of Sergio Neiffert -director of SIDE-, who established by resolution the new role of the official.
Diego Kravetz will occupy a leading role in the State Intelligence Secretariat.
Meeting of the Bicameral Intelligence Commission
It was in this framework that the meeting – informative and unofficial in nature – of the Bicameral Commissionwhich lasted more than two hours and featured the presence of representatives of the five main blocks of the national Congress: Peronists, radicals, libertarians, federals and the PRO. “We express our concern about the institutional weakness and opacity of the entire Intelligence framework,” said one of the meeting participants.
They were joined by the two sectors that presented specific objections against Kravetz’s appointment: the deputies of Santa Fe socialism (Mónica Fein and Esteban Paulónwho make up the Federal Meeting bench) and the leader Juan Grabois. In addition, there was participation of CELS, as external experts, and from social organizations, who testified about their previous experiences with the official.
“All blocks expressed concern about the behavior of public knowledge”, they told this medium and pointed out that they will continue to collect information regarding the objections to publish a resolution. This will not be binding due to the validity of DNU 614 and 615, issued last year, but the referral of files that involve Diego Kravetzas well as the summons of the prosecutors acting in each case and the request for film information about each of the events.
All those interviewed by this means agreed on the impact of the DNU 614/2024which replaced the Law 27,126 of the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI)which established that management positions were held “with the agreement of the Honorable Senate of the Nation.” At the moment, powers were removed from the Legislative Branchand it is only mentioned – in article 15 – that the designations “will be duly communicated“.
“In any country in the world, an Intelligence law cannot be regulated by decree“said one of the participants in the meeting, who agreed with another legislator – from a different bloc – on the need for a call for the Bicameral Legislative Procedure Commission -led by libertarian senator Juan Carlos Pagotto- to review the scope of the DNU 614 and 615. “The Legislative Branch must recover a concrete voice,” they asked.
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The new SIDE organizational chart was established by decree in July 2024.
The objections against Diego Kravetz
In total, there were five objections that were detailed against Diego Kravetz. Two were when he performed security functions in the city of Buenos Aires (2023-2024)while three others link him to events carried out by him during his administration in the Municipality of Lanús (2015-2023).
With respect to 2024, two acts of specific violence are attributed to him where Kravetz – in his role as Secretary of Security of Buenos Aires – He beat two young people who were arrested and subdued under different circumstances. One of them was in August of last year in the Padre Mugica Neighborhood (Villa 31)while the other dates back to the month of October and occurred in the middle of a public street at night.
Since the videos of the events were made public, one of the participating blocks considered that the official was found in flagrante committing the crimes of “illegal coercion” and “abuse of authority.” That was why they asked to inhibit Kravetz’s appointment because it violates the DNU 614/2024which understands that SIDE officials “they must prove their integrity and professional reliability.”
Other events for which he will be investigated date back to August 2023, when a crime was committed. murder of a girl in the municipality of Lanús prior to the PASO elections. At that time, Kravetz himself – who held the position of interim mayor and was running for communal chief – accused and arrested two minors, who were beaten by police officers and whose identities were broadcast by the media. Before her innocence is recognized, the deputy Natalia Zaracho She sought to guarantee the safety of the detainees but she herself was apprehended.
To these two events we would add the case of a 12-year-old boy who was given the nickname “El Polaquito” and gave a television interview on the 2017 where he claimed to have addiction problems and being the author of dozens of crimes in the municipality of Lanusalthough he could not be detained because he was under the age of imputability. Some time later, a investigation to find out if the minor was coerced by Diego Kravetzsomething suggested by the host of the television series, who attributed responsibility for the note to the official.
Source: Ambito
I am a 24-year-old writer and journalist who has been working in the news industry for the past two years. I write primarily about market news, so if you’re looking for insights into what’s going on in the stock market or economic indicators, you’ve come to the right place. I also dabble in writing articles on lifestyle trends and pop culture news.