Private employment: perspective 2025
The outlook for 2025 is optimistic for most experts, both with respect to salaries and hiring. 80% plan to increase salaries, while 20% consider that it will not be possible. Regarding the incorporation of new people into organizations, the 79% plan to add talents, compared to 21% who do not contemplate it.
Compared to the previous edition of the study, The positive assessment of next year’s employment situation increased by 32 percentage points. The thing is, at the end of 2023, only 18% of human resources specialists had an optimistic outlook for 2024, while 28% had a negative view. In 2022, the 40% had a positive vision, and in 2021, optimism reached the 39%.
In the region, Argentina occupies second place in positive outlook for the coming year, only surpassed by Peru, which reaches 56%. Behind are Panama, with 38%; Ecuador, with 23%; and Chile, with 12%.
The optimism of half of the labor market for 2025 is attributed in 47% of cases to the influence of the country’s economic context, in 37% to the fact that working conditions will favor the attraction of talent, and in 32% to an increase in the availability of jobs.
In contrast, the 11% of specialists who consider that the situation will worsen identify three main factors (each one mentioned by 50%): a decrease in jobs, the loss of salary value in the face of inflation and the negative influence of the country’s economic context on the labor market.
Wage increases and new jobs by 2025
50% of the specialists plan to adjust them according to the inflation; while a 9% contemplate a 5% increase; and another 9% estimate an increase of 50%.
Regarding the incorporation of new talents, among the 79% who plan it: 28% plan to increase the workforce by 10%, 25% by less than 5%, and 16% by 5%.
From “Balance 2024 and expectations 2025” is a regional Bumeran study in which 3,224 workers and human resources specialists from Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Panama and Peru participated. The research explores the perception of the working year that has passed and what is expected of those who have just started.
Private employment: 7 out of 10 specialists classify 2024 as a good year for companies
70% of specialists have a positive perception of 2024, while 41% of human resources experts consider that 2024 was a good year for organizations, and 29% rate it as very good. 18% as regular; and 12% as bad.
With 70%, Argentina leads the positive assessment regarding 2024 of human resources specialists. In the region, Ecuador follows with 59%, Peru with 54%, Panama with 37% and Chile with 32%.
The positive assessment of the year had reached 64% in 2023, marking a decrease compared to the 75% registered in 2022 and 72% in 2021.
Why do you consider that the year was positive for organizations? The fact is that 50% attribute it to the company’s growth in the market, 45% to the incorporation of new talent, 27% to increased salaries or new benefits for employees, and another 27% to increased profits.
On the contrary, among the 12% who have a negative perception of the last year, 67% point out that it was because they had to downsize, 33% mention the departure of key talents for the company, another 33% point to other reasons. , highlighting the low billing; and 17% because the organization lost its position in the market.
Regarding the salary increase in 2024, the 84% reports increases in remuneration in his organization, while the 16% He denies that this was the case. He 29% mentions that it was more than 80%, he 14% points out a 60%, and another 14% indicates an increase in 25%.
Still, These values of salary increases did not cover the inflation of the year, which is projected to close at 117%, according to the latest survey of market expectations published by the Central Bank (BCRA)..
Furthermore, 71% of human resources specialists believe that government policies in the workplace will have a positive impact; while 10% have a negative view; another 10% consider that the situation will remain the same; and 10% still do not have a defined opinion.
Compared to 2023, the positive perception of government policies in the workplace increased 34 percentage points, when only 37% considered that they would have a positive impact.
Some policies that are perceived as positive are the increase in the probationary period, with a 72% favorable perception; the replacement of compensation by the labor termination system, with a 66% support; the simplification of the registration of workers, which has 86% adherence; and the reduction of company debts for not registering workers, with 66% support.
Worker satisfaction: seven out of 10 people are not satisfied with their job or their salary
77% of working people in Argentina are not satisfied with their joba trend that is replicated in the region: in Panama, 78% are not satisfied; in Chile, 74%; in Ecuador, 67%; and in Peru, 59%.
In 2023, 56% of talent expressed dissatisfaction with their work, an improvement compared to the 67% registered in 2022 and 64% in 2021.
Along the same lines, 73% of workers are not satisfied with their salary and want an increase, while 27% are satisfied with what they receive.
Argentina heads the list of countries in the region where workers express dissatisfaction with their salary. They are followed by Panama, with 72%; Ecuador with 69%; Peru with 66%; and Chile with 62%.
How is the evolution of salary disagreement? In Argentina, there is an increase in disagreement of 16 percentage points compared to the previous edition of the study. 61% of talents expressed disagreement with their salary in both 2023 and 2022, while in 2021 this percentage was 70%.
Workers: job expectation for 2025
Regarding the perspective of working people regarding the year 2025, 45% consider that it will be a good working year; 36% do not have a defined opinion; and 19% do not believe it is a good year.
58% of working people are considering changing their career path in 2025; while 26% have no plans to do so; and 16% would do so because of discomfort in their current job.
As a result, 96% of workers say they are looking for a job right now, while only 4% say they are not looking.
Regarding job search processes, 72% of working people consider that it is more difficult to find employment in this context; 22% think that there were no big changes; and 6% believe that it is easier to get a job in the current situation.
33% of working people consider that government policies will have a positive impact; while 26% believe that the impact will be negative; 24% still do not have a defined opinion; and 17% think that everything will remain the same.
Unlike experts, the opinion of working people on some government policies is not positive. In the case of replacing compensation with the layoff system, the negative perception leads with 44%. The same occurs with the reduction of companies’ debts for not registering workers, where 46% have a negative opinion.
In contrast, the policies that generate a majority positive perception are the increase in the trial period, with 37%, and the simplification of worker registration, with 52%.
Source: Ambito
I am a 24-year-old writer and journalist who has been working in the news industry for the past two years. I write primarily about market news, so if you’re looking for insights into what’s going on in the stock market or economic indicators, you’ve come to the right place. I also dabble in writing articles on lifestyle trends and pop culture news.