Racing reinforces its lead: “Rocky” Balboa undergoes a medical check-up

Racing reinforces its lead: “Rocky” Balboa undergoes a medical check-up

Uruguayan forward Adrián “Rocky” Balboa undergoes a medical examination, then signs a contract and officially becomes a new Racing player.

Racing reinforces its lead: “Rocky” Balboa undergoes a medical check-up

The Uruguayan striker Adrian “Rocky” Balboa The medical examination is carried out, to then sign the contract and officially become a new player of racing.

Balboawho comes to the club Avellaneda after passing through Santa Fe Unionyou can share the front with Adrián “Maravilla” Martínezwho last year scored 30 goals and provided 9 assists in 48 games.

The forward will have a very intense year in racingwhich will compete in the Apertura Tournament of the Professional Soccer Leaguethe Argentine Cup and the Libertadores Cup.

In addition, they will have an interesting challenge as soon as the season begins, since they will face the Botafogo of Brazil for the South American Cup Winners’ Cup.

racing It will be the fifteenth club in the career of Balboa30 years old.

Source: Ambito

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