Dollar today: how much is it trading at this Saturday, January 18

Dollar today: how much is it trading at this Saturday, January 18

He official retail dollar-without taxes- he contributed to $1,012.67 for purchase now $1,069.94 for sale this Saturday January 18, 2025. In it Banco Nación, the note operated in $1,023.50 for purchase and $1,063.50 for sale.

In the parallel market, the blue dollar is located above the $1,230, according to the survey of Scope in the caves of the city.

How much does the official dollar trade at today, Saturday, January 18

In the official exchange market, the wholesale dollar offered to $1,044 per unit, $1.50 above its Thursday close.

How much is the future dollar trading at today, Saturday, January 18

The contracts of future dollar rose for the entire first semester and thus added their third consecutive day with general increases. Consequently, the annualized nominal rates (TNA) once again exceeded 20%.

The largest adjustments were seen in the longest terms; For June, an official exchange rate of $1,139 is expected. Thus, The crawling peg priced by the market rose slightly to 1.7% monthly average for the first half of the yeardespite the BCRA’s announcement that the variations will be reduced to 1% starting in February.

How much does the blue dollar trade at today, Saturday, January 18

He blue dollar marks $1,235, Therefore, the gap is 18.5%.

How much is offered the MEP dollar today, Saturday, January 18

He MEP dollar operates at $1,169.79, so the gap with the official is located in the 11.9%.

Value of the CCL dollar today, Saturday, January 18

He dollar Cash with Settlement (CCL) is sold at $1,190 and the spread with the official is positioned at 13.8%.

Price of the card dollar today, Saturday, January 18

He dollar card or touristand the dollar savings (either solidary) operated on $1,382.55.

Quote of the crypto dollar today, Saturday, January 18

He crypto dollar or Bitcoin dollar quotes at $1,204.45, according to Bitso.

Bitcoin value today, Saturday, January 18

He Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency on the market, operates at u$s103,986.50, according to Binance.

Source: Ambito

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