The Government is working on a project that eliminates the criminal figure of femicide

The Government is working on a project that eliminates the criminal figure of femicide

After the president Javier Milei would point at the Davos Forum to policies against gender violence and attacks against the criminal figure of femicidethe Government made public that it is working on an “equality before the law” project, aimed at reversing all the laws that in recent decades included protection measures.

“Radical feminism is a distortion of the concept of equality”Milei said in Davos. He added: “We even reached the point of normalizing that in many supposedly civilized countries if one kills a woman it is called femicide, and that carries a more serious penalty than if one kills a man just because of the sex of the victim. Legalizing, in fact, that a woman’s life is worth more than a man’s.”

It is worth remembering that, in Argentina, the concept of femicide was incorporated into the Penal Code on December 14, 2012, through law 26.79, voted unanimously. This norm included section 11 that penalizes with life imprisonment the conduct of a man who kills a woman through gender violence in the terms of law 26,743 on gender identity, which was also sanctioned that year. The Milei Government points against both norms.


Javier Milei pointed out against gender policies at the Davos Forum.


According to reports, the “Equality before the law” project is under the direction of the presidential advisor Santiago Caputo and is the secretary of Strategic Planning, Maria Ibarzabal Murphythe person in charge of its writing.

The project would also modify aspects of the Micaela lawwhich provides mandatory training to State officials on diversity and gender violence, as announced at the Casa Rosada.

The elimination of all regulations that include positive discrimination measures is also analyzed, that is, those that ensure quotas for female participation: from admissions to public employment to the inclusion of 50 percent of women on electoral lists. Argentina was a pioneer in this field. With the same criteria, the elimination of the quota for trans people and people with disabilities is promoted.

In Davos, Javier Milei defined the gender perspective as the cultural virus of the West

Javier Milei gave a speech at the Davos Forum with the axis of his position placed on the rejection of the “woke culture”, which he described as “soft left” and did not hesitate to question all institutions, and even the Forum itself for have given rise to that criterion “that infiltrated our institutions, schools and universities.” He categorically maintained that “the woke ideology is the cancer that must be removed.”

In his second speech as Argentine president, Javier Milei gave a surprising definition that centered on the “woke culture”, the pejorative name for currents in favor of sexual diversity, the inclusion of homosexuals and the gender perspective in general” as the key to all the evils that punish the West and Argentina.

“The fRadical eminism is a distortion of the concept of equality and even in its most benevolent version it is redundant, since the equality before the law already exists in the West. Everything else is a search for privileges,” said the president.

Along the same lines, he added: “I want to be clear that when I say abuse it is not a euphemism, because in its In more extreme versions, gender ideology simply constitutes child abuse. “They are pedophiles, so I want to know who endorses these behaviors.”

Source: Ambito

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