ANSES alert! This group of people will stop charging scholarships progressing in February 2025

ANSES alert! This group of people will stop charging scholarships progressing in February 2025

February 5, 2025 – 15:15

Know what this organism program is about already who is directed.

The National Social Security Administration (ANSES) warned that a group of beneficiaries will no longer receive payments from the scholarships of the Backup Program for Students of Argentina (Progress). The objective is to promote the right to education of all young people regardless of social and economic inequalities

Not only consists of financial aid, the Progress spaceswhere beneficiaries can participate in courses and classes with professionals. However, in case the payment is suspended due to lack of school regularity certification, They must manage a claim.

What are Anses progress scholarships


Until August 31 there is time to score in the second call for scholarships progress 2023.

Until August 31 there is time to score in the second call for scholarships progress 2023.

This program is a public policy by the Ministry of Human Capital so that young people can finish their studies and train professionally. This has three different types of scholarships, depending on the objectives of each holder:

  • Progress mandatory level: promotes the end of the Compulsory educationand includes a subline designed for young people aged 16 and 17. These must necessarily perform the Vocational and Labor Orientation Course.
  • Progress upper level: Accompany students from Higher institutes and universities.
  • Progress work: Those who decide to do is oriented Professional Training Courses.

Who can access the scholarships progress

This program is aimed at young people from 16 and 24 years but also contemplates cases of property without age limit. However, they must comply with several conditionssuch as the sum of the student’s income and his family group should not exceed 3 Minimum, vital and mobile salaries (SMVM)except that young applicants are holders of a non -contributory disability pension granted within the framework of article 9 of the Law 13,478.

Progress scholarships: who will be discharged by Anses

The government reported that ANSES will stop paying the scholarships to young people who do not approve 50% of current matters and do not comply with school regularity. This responds to Progress regulation current. Other requirements that must be met so as not to be discharged are to be native or naturalized Argentines and, in case of belonging to the higher level program, the holders must enter or be studying at national or provincial universitiesNational University Institutes or Institutes of Higher Technical Education, Institutes for Technical Training and Teacher Training of State Management.

Source: Ambito

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