
Strength, courage and wisdom for the new year 2023

Strength, courage and wisdom for the new year 2023

…who have the feeling that they can no longer cope with the current, precarious situation on many levels of life and the gloomy prospects for the future, that they do not despair and freeze in their worries, but rather continue to search tirelessly for a new path and realize that only they are the ones who can change their lives and no one else in this world.

And that they also learn to understand that in addition to goods and money, there are also much more important and, above all, much nicer things in life that are worth using, such as B. nature. I wish, however, that we also have the strength to endure what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to discern one from the other. Cheers new Year!

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Source: Nachrichten

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