
If only they knew what chestnuts can look like

If only they knew what chestnuts can look like

I haven’t lived in Steyr for long. But on hot days, I (and everyone I know) have often appreciated the linden and chestnut avenues along Leopold-Werndl-Strasse and the islands of shadow that emanate from them. The quaint gnarled trunks, some cut and overgrown, give the street its special character.

It is really incomprehensible that these wonderful old trees are now to be replaced by “climate-friendly” trees without any need. By the way, their contribution to the climate will be far behind. One would like to call out to the decision-makers behind this project, namely the Upper Austrian provincial road administration, in the words of Rilke: “If they only knew what chestnuts can look like! How mighty they are, how luxuriantly they blossom, how deep they rustle, how full, full shadows they cast how they swell with tremendous abundance in summer and how thick and soft their golden-brown foliage lies in autumn!”

To get our concerns heard, we started a petition (www.openpetition.eu. Let’s hope it bears fruit!

Heidrun Pfeil, Steyr

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Source: Nachrichten

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