


It goes without saying that any generalization is absurd, whether it is about any racial, political or religious group.

Because man judges or becomes a judge of others, only to condemn, never to absolve.

It is that we judge with a speed with which we would not want to be judged.

Today I wanted to bring a -real- event that occurred in the lands of Trenque Lauquén, in the middle of the 19th century.

Whites and Indians fought fiercely.

The Indians in defense of their land, their houses, their families.

The Whites argued that they were doing it for an ideal.

They also fought for the land, yes, but no longer to defend it, but to conquer it.

But when an ideal needs to kill, the ideal dies.

The whites also spoke of religious conversion. But ultimately, not understanding the religion of others is not knowing your own…

But let’s go to the episode.

By the middle of the year 1855, a fierce battle between whites and Indians had developed.

Ten hours of fighting. Final result: the defeat of the Indians, who were of the Mapuche race. They were also called Araucanos.

Mapuche means “people of the land”. From his land. The one they were willing to fight to the death for.

Bloodied and defeated, seven Mapuches waited for the commander of the white warriors, Captain Ruiz, to decide their death.

Six of them, all caciques, rested their heads on their knees, logically sad, with the unfathomable secrecy of the Indians.

But the seventh, the chief, was on his feet, facing the target.

His name was Kurupillan.

He was staring at Captain Ruiz. His dark eyes measured with calm horror the ambition of the whites who seemed to love only hate and not the land, like the Indians.

Ruiz’s blue eyes, full of contempt and misunderstanding, met the gaze of the Mapuche chief.

The sentence was passed. The seven caciques would be shot in half an hour.

“Prepare to die,” Captain Ruiz told them harshly.

Kurupillán then spoke slowly:

-I ask you to grant me 3 thanks, Captain.

-What thanks do you want?

-As a first wish, I would like a glass of wine to say goodbye toasting Ñuque Mapu, Mother Earth.


-Also a guitar, to sing to heaven that will welcome us in a few minutes.

-Also granted, Captain Ruiz said indifferently.

-And as a third grace, perhaps the most important and the most difficult for you, Captain. I wish I could look into his eyes, the last three minutes of my life.

-And why do you want to look at me?

-Just to understand. And then to be able to die, forgiving him.

-I don’t understand…

– I want to know Captain Ruiz, if you can understand that beings different from you, also beat, also love, also feel.

-It’s okay!. Look into my eyes for those minutes, if it’s her last wish…

And Kurupillán, the Chief Cacique, began to speak to the other six Caciques, his brothers in life and even more, in pain.

The Great Mapuche Chief played the guitar. And he sing.

There was an electrifying silence.

And his brothers sang too.

Emotion seizes the white soldiers.

Kurupillán sang of honor, feeling, courage and justice.

He said singing:

-Dear Mapuche brothers: the whites are as brave as we are. And maybe nobles too. But they are sacrificing their hearts to ambition, to madness.

They are just blind. And can we hate blindness? Let’s forgive them.

Captain Ruiz and his subordinates were petrified.

The Indian Chief spoke for 15 minutes, with respect and dignity.

He brought understanding to his executioners at the moment of his own death.

He was like writing with indelible characters a page of teaching that would not be erased from the hearts of the white soldiers who, more than listening to him, were admiring him.

I was jumping the fence of races, languages, beliefs.

But the third order was missing.

El Indio, walking slowly, approached Captain Ruiz. He had promised to let her stare into his eyes for three minutes.

But he resisted only seconds the look of the Indian, of the true owner of the land that they both walked on.

Captain Ruiz was like in a dream, totally moved.

10, 20 seconds passed. And his voice was heard:

-All the Indians are released, with their horses and tack…

A long, endless embrace with the chief Kurupillán, sealed his words.

He had saved his life, but Captain Ruiz had saved his honor.

And this actual episode brought to mind this aphorism:

“We do not intend to modify the adversary. Let’s try to understand it.”

Source: Ambito

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