
Artificial Intelligence, enemy or ally of entrepreneurs?

Artificial Intelligence, enemy or ally of entrepreneurs?
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The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) it implies a new wave of digital transformation and, like all changes, it generates fear and mistrust. However, far from signifying a danger, can be a great ally for entrepreneurs.

One of the biggest fears is usually related to job displacement because certain jobs and tasks can be automated, but this does not mean that Artificial Intelligence is going to replace the human being.

Although this can be very effective in specific tasks such as pattern recognition, data-driven decision making and the automation of repetitive processes, does not count exclusive abilities of the human being such as empathy, creativity, adaptation and the ethical and moral sense to think and act in difficult situations.

Instead of seeing it as competition, AI can be seen as an ally that saves time and money on repetitive tasks to make room for entrepreneurs focus on strategic and creative issues.

Beyond the benefits, AI presents many other challenges. First, the algorithmic bias resulting from training with data that reflects cultural or social prejudices. Second, responsibility and ethics because important decisions are made that can affect people’s lives. So here the big question is who solved it: the AI ​​or the programmer? Third, privacy and security around the data that is handled, the public’s trust in technology and transparency in decision-making. And finally, the lack of regulation due to the pace with which these systems evolve and develop.

In short, the AI ​​that allows processes to be automated, decision-making based on data to be improved, products and services to be customized to better meet the needs and preferences of customers and even provide valuable information for the development of more effective business strategies, but can never extinguish entrepreneurs.

On the contrary, it is a powerful tool for changing the way business is done and creating new opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship so that those who are willing to adapt to these changes continue to prosper and create value in the marketplace. Of course, entrepreneurs will need to carefully consider the benefits and risks of implementing AI in their companies.

CEO of GoDoctor

Source: Ambito

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