
Discrimination in workplaces, from a gender perspective

Discrimination in workplaces, from a gender perspective

It is the 38th anniversary of the ratification in Argentina of the Convention for the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women.

38 years have passed since the ratification in Argentina of the Convention for the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (Law 23,179). From Grow-gender and work we take a tour of what it implies for the world of work and reflect on the current situation in these spaces.

About the Convention

Within its article 11, it emphasizes that the States Parties shall adopt all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in the field of employment in order to ensure, under conditions of equality between men and women, the same rights.

What does this mean for organizations? Working to eliminate discrimination against women in the workplace implies that women, men and people of other gender identities have the same opportunities to access employment, the application of the same selection criteria, equal pay and equal benefits. treatment with respect to work of equal value, among other aspects.

According to an investigation by Grow – gender and work and the regional project FESminismos of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (2022), which had as one of its objectives to identify the situation of workplace violence in Latin America and the Caribbean; the situation most reported by women (48% of them) consists of having received unequal treatment –benefits and possibilities for promotions and/or salaries– compared to their male peers, with a difference of 26 pp to their detriment. This is a clear scenario of psychological violence.




Among other findings, it was also identified that women perceive unequal treatment for having care responsibilities (17% vs. 8% of men), which highlights the concept of broken stairs that describes the impact of loads of care, interrupting/obstructing the professional development of some women.

Discrimination against women for reasons related to maternity is one of the aspects that is most identified in the work with organizations, because despite the fact that there are laws that guarantee maternity leave and work lactation leave; After maternity, many women see their professional growth stagnant and upon their return to work they encounter obstacles to reconcile work with personal life, especially when it comes to guaranteeing care.

From Grow-gender and work we consider it vital to work on the eradication of discrimination to build more equitable work spaces. For this, it is necessary to work, as indicated by the Convention, in the modification of socio-cultural patterns of conduct and the questioning of stereotypes and gender roles, conceiving that all people are subjects of rights and denaturing the spaces where difference is legitimized as inequality.

As a social organization, this year our awareness campaign is focused on reviewing privileges and inequalities from an intersectional gender perspective to help achieve inclusive work spaces free of violence.

Coordinator of the area of ​​violence of Grow-gender and work

Source: Ambito

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