What is “throning”, the phenomenon that affects almost 30% of young people when looking for a partner

What is “throning”, the phenomenon that affects almost 30% of young people when looking for a partner

November 17, 2024 – 12:20

Relationships in recent years have adopted new practices that are far from what was customary a few years ago; Motivated by their environment, couples usually accept models of behavior and communication that are consistent with the time in which the relationship began. “Throning”, as its name indicates, comes from “throne”, and basically means putting the other on a throne, or enthroning him, as if done in religious rituals.

The so-called Generation Z, which are hyperconnected under-27 young people, usually establish social relationships through Internet networks, and put into practice a new technique of forming couples with an interest, although not economic, in general, in one of the parties, which is not usually revealed.

However, it is still the phenomenon that, in search of social approval, a large part of the population experienced during their adolescence.

Far from abandoning this practice upon reaching adulthood, the study of certain applications showed that 27% of young people from Generation Z They feel they have felt used because of the throne.


The young people of Generation Z and throneing, the trend in couple bonds.

The young people of Generation Z and throneing, the trend in couple bonds.

However, with all the good that this implies, there is also the dark side of this phenomenon and that is where the new term of Generation Z known as thundering appears, a behavior that has apparently existed forever, but that finally takes on a new name and that could happen to anyone. And, even if you do not belong to this generation, you could be subject to this practice in any way. Here we tell you what it is and how to realize it.

What is thundering?

Throning has been adopted by various portals and communication forums around social relationships, where it is defined as a practice that consists of a person who begins dating another person just to have a better reach on social networks and earn more. followers. In the same way, this practice seeks to give the person who performs it a social status, have a greater presence and overexposure on social networks to meet an objective, whether it is reaching new audiences or even generating an image on social networks.

Acquiring a benefit, whatever it may be, is the driving force behind people who carry out throning and although it is not a new behavior, it is something that has been overexploited as a result of multichannel and easy access to a global network of connections. .

What are the signs to notice thundering?

According to specialists, there are signs that indicate that a person could be throning another person if they notice that: They are very concerned with what they upload to networks around you. They treat you better in public than in private. They constantly show you off so that everyone notices. They don’t care at all about you and are constantly looking out for their own interests. They don’t usually help you in the way they expect your help.

Source: Ambito

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