The Government called for a tender for Boncer and conversion of Lecap

The Government called for a tender for Boncer and conversion of Lecap

He Government, through the Secretary of Financeannounced the call to tender of Boncer and conversion of Lecap expiring on January 31, 2025, within the framework of article 2 of Decree 846/2024. In a statement, the Secretariat detailed the national Treasury instruments that it will offer in the call for bidding for cash.

The reception of offers will begin at 10 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. this Wednesday and the settlement of the offers received and awarded will take place on December 13. For the presentation of offers for these instruments, there will be two sections: one non-competitive and the other competitive.

In the non-competitive sections, only the amounts of NOV (original nominal value) to be subscribed must be entered and will be intended for natural or legal persons who, due to their characteristics, do not have the necessary specialization to carry out an evaluation of the financial conditions of the tender and require the advice of a specialized entity.

Common Investment Funds, Public Funds, insurance companies, depositaries, or any other financial entity that, due to its characteristics, is an entity related to the financial market, are excluded from the non-competitive section and are considered specialized agents.

Entities that upload offers in these non-competitive sectionsthey may only place one order per CUIL or CUIT of Clients, only one offer per investor will be accepted and it must be less than or equal to an amount of NOV $50,000,000, and only the amount to be subscribed must be entered.

The offers presented in the competitive section They must indicate the amount of the VNO to be subscribed, which must be greater than VNO $50,000,000 and the price in reopening pesos for each VNO $1,000 with two decimal places.

They will be intended for: natural or legal persons for amounts greater than NAV $50,000,000, and all other types of investors, who due to their characteristics were excluded from the non-competitive section, with a minimum offer of NAV $1,000,000 and will not have an amount limitation. maximum to bid.

The offers of Lecap, Boncap and Boncer from human or legal personsmust be presented in a timely manner through the settlement and clearing agents (integral and own) and trading agents registered with the National Securities Commission (CNV).

Likewise, under the terms of article 2 of Decree 846/24, the Ministry of Finance invites the holders of the Lecap maturing on January 31, 2025 (S31E5) to participate in a conversion operation of their Eligible Title, for any of Public Debt Instruments.

The reception of offers will begin at 11:30 a.m. and will end at 3 p.m. on Wednesday and the settlement of the offers received and awarded will take place on December 16.

Source: Ambito

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