Pets at Christmas: five ways to protect them from fireworks

Pets at Christmas: five ways to protect them from fireworks

Christmas and New Year They are getting closer, and although some practices have improved and there is no longer the rage of pyrotechnics like a few years ago. Still many people like to celebrate hand in hand with the fireworks.

The pyrotechnics Not only does it lead to environmental pollution or accidents and injuries to which those who use it are exposed, but it also affects our lives. pets.


Photo: NA

The negative effects of fireworks on this group focuses on their acute sense of hearing. Veterinary studies show that their sense of hearing is very more sensitive than that of the human. Therefore, the noise caused by fireworks and rockets can seriously damage them.

These noises also cause fear and stress, which can lead to atypical behaviors such as running away and losing your sense of direction, self-harm or even hurting other animals or people. They can also cause palpitations, tachycardia, panting, salivation, tremors, a feeling of respiratory failure, lightheadedness and loss of control, among other problems.

That is why in the month of the Holidays, we bring you tricks to help your pets cope better with these celebrations.

Tricks so that your pet does not suffer from fireworks

pets dogs cats


Exercise during the day

Try, as much as possible, for your pet to get plenty of exercise during the day so that he can sleep better at night.

And if you need to sedate them with medications, try to consult a veterinarian.

Prevent them from escaping

The fear and stress generated by the noise of fireworks and rockets causes them to need to run away, disoriented. So that this does not happen and they escape, close the windows and doors tightly.

And given the possibility of this happening, it is essential that the animal has a badge with its name and a telephone number to be able to locate its owners.

Give him his space

During noises, avoid overloading them with cuddles, caresses or hugs. On the contrary, give them their space and let them independently find the place where they are most comfortable and protected.

Mobility and music space

If you are going to leave him sheltered in a room, make sure he has plenty of room to move. At the time of the noises, it is very likely that they will become excited or lose control, so it is advisable that you remove elements and decorations that could break, and never leave them tied with chains or straps.

A good trick is to play music or leave the television on in the room they are in. Thus, these sounds will appease the noise of the explosions, avoiding the contrast with the silence.

Food and water

Leave him enough food and fresh water, especially if the nights are hot. If your pet doesn’t want to eat, don’t force it. He will do it when he prefers to feed.

Source: Ambito

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