Carlos Curestis: “The PRO and the UCR will tend to disappear if they do not join LLA”

Carlos Curestis: “The PRO and the UCR will tend to disappear if they do not join LLA”

Journalist: How do you see Javier Milei’s government?

Carlos Curestis: It is a transparent government, with a totally different position from what we were used to in Argentina, with totally positive thinking for the entire society. We were accustomed to the old and ancient political caste, which was very exposed this year. Your commitment, and that of all of us who follow Sebastián Pareja, is to understand that our project is to give peace of mind to the people and prosperity to the people of Buenos Aires.

Q: Why do you think people support despite the economic crisis and adjustment?

CC.: Javier is not a politician, he is an economist and people are tired of promising and false campaign speeches. They found in him a person who made a real speech, and executed what he said. Many of those who did not vote for him today, accompany him because they see that his administration is going to regain hope.

Q.: How are you working to grow La Libertad Avanza and gain legislative representation in 2025?

DC: In the province we have a complicated job, because it is a bastion where Peronism has been working for 40 years. They have not given anything to the province. But we must reinforce each district with credible, supportive candidates who have never been within political schemes. Let them be true representatives of the neighbors, who are not there for a seat but for commitment. Javier comes to install a change in reality. These people are greatly needed in the province because this is a long-term project. We must be extremely smart next year in choosing our candidates.

Javier Milei and Carlos Curestis.jpg

Q: Are there limits when it comes to joining the space or do we have to be generous and include everyone who wants to participate?

CC: Javier always said “from the center to the right, everyone is more than welcome.” We want everyone to join this project. No We made agreements, just the commitment to society to return transparency to the neighbor and give the people of Buenos Aires what they deserve.

Q.: Will having one’s own party allow next year to assemble the lists with loyal references and avoid what happened in the last elections, when some leaders took office on the LLA tickets and then distanced themselves from the bloc?

CC: We put together LLA in record time. Today, we have the possibility of not having to order stamps. Those who did not trust Javier’s project left. He took over and, automatically, they took another path. Loyalty in politics is a rather difficult word. That’s why, We have to think a lot and be very intelligent when choosing these candidates, so that they are fully committed to this project and continue to accompany us.

Q: Who is the best candidate?

DC: In LLA we have only one candidate: Javier Milei. He is accompanied by Karina and Pareja in the province. But the only candidate is him. To think who it could be in the province is very premature. It may sound like many. There is strong talk about José Luis Espert, because Javier asked for it, and we believe it will be that way.

Q.: At the event at the Gran Rivadavia theater in Buenos Aires, Karina Milei said that she will be where her brother needs her. Do you see her as a candidate? Where?

CC: To those of us who work with her We would love to see her play next year.. First because we see the strength he has to face each battle he fights and the province, as we all know, is the mother of all battles. And, secondly, because Karina has a very special connection with people. She would be an excellent candidate. Likewise, at the Flores event she made it very clear: It will be where Javier needs itso everything will be resolved when there are electoral type definitions. We, as a space, work every day with the goal of governing the province of Buenos Aires to end so many years of decline. And for that it is essential to make a good choice in 2025.

Q: How do you see the Buenos Aires government?

CC: I don’t see it. I see a governor dedicated to a presidential campaign, instead of addressing the needs of the people of Buenos Aires. He does not see what is happening in security, education and health. Their ideas are foreign to what is happening in the province. It amazes me every day to hear every proposal he makes to the people of Buenos Aires. He insults them with his proposals. That gives us the possibility of showing what he is doing wrong.

Q.: Why, then, did you win by 20 points from the second?

CC: The resources were used to buy the vote. Today he is desperate because he lost the economic cash. That is over because people know that it no longer works for them. Also, we didn’t have much time to do an installation with Carolina Píparo and that didn’t help.

Q: Is the objective to govern the province?

CC: No. In 2027 we will govern the Argentine Republic, the province of Buenos Aires and the City of Buenos Aires. I’m not saying it, it’s society saying it, which is convinced of this project and we love it. Finding that people from the periphery give us that answer makes us very happy. Producers, entrepreneurs, SMEs and the rest of society also accompany us. The dollar is stable and the deficit decreased. Instead of seeing lines in Ezeiza of young people leaving, we see them traveling on vacation and returning.

Q.: Do you think that the PRO and La Libertad Avanza should work in a large opposition front to Axel Kicillof?

CC: We won the elections. Patricia Bullrich joined LLA. The PRO would have to take that initiative, join this project and not wait for an alliance. I say the same to the sector of radicalism that wants to be on this side. The project is so big and convinces society that it would be good for everyone to pull towards the same place. An alliance is not necessary, but rather a commitment to the people of Buenos Aires to recover the province.

Q.: If the agreement with the PRO is not finalized, do you think that the electorate of the PRO and the UCR will lean towards LLA?

CC: I think we are doing very well. The objective is for the sum to be overwhelming so that the two years we have left are easier. He PRO and UCR will tend to disappear in the province if they do not join LLA. Especially the PRO.

Q: How do you envision next year’s electoral scenario? Will there be a Peronism-LLA polarization?

DC: No. LLA has more direction: freedom for each of the Buenos Aires residents. We reach the end of the year with a lot of sacrifice. Our driver in the province is Sebastián Pareja, our guide and support. Trust LLA, our president.

Q.: Your fellow Deputies, Agustín Romo, tweeted that the next governor should not be from Buenos Aires. Does it match?

CC: Totally. The last one was Eduardo Duhalde in the province. I totally agree. I always say that you have to know the province and not govern and start getting to know it.

The Chamber and pending projects

Q: What does the President ask of you as head of the block?

DC: Javier always tells me that I have a very big responsibility, which is to control, monitor Axel Kicillof and prevent him from doing the things he is doing.. He knows that we are a minority, but he asked us for dialogue with the rest of the opposition to be able to stop many of Kicillof’s projects, which are ridiculous and only generate expenses for the people of Buenos Aires. Javier and Pareja always say that we listen and give answers that are the truth. Ask that we not enter this circuit of blaming what happened before, but rather that we build a province of Buenos Aires looking forward because we are sure that in three years we will govern ourselves.

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Curestis, tough with Axel Kicillof.

Curestis, tough with Axel Kicillof.

Q: How did you work with the opposition blocs this year?

CC: With the UCR, PRO and the Píparo sector we work together and try to have the same alignment. That helped on several occasions. There is a dialogue, it is not complete, but Kirchnerism in the Senate has a well-established opposition and that is very good.

Q.: Both you and UP presented projects to suspend the Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries (PASO). Do you think that will happen?

CC: It has to come out. It would be the best. Suspending PASO generates less expense. We seek that the parties take charge of their internal affairsis the best for the current economic situation.

Q.: You presented an initiative that seeks to implement the Single Paper Ballot (BUP) in the province. What are its benefits?

CC: It is a simpler exercise to go to vote, the person does not get confused and saves money on printing and inspection costs.

Q.: Why do they not accompany the Buenos Aires 2025 Budget and the Tax Law?

DC: The Budget has a large deficit, which authorizes the province to take on more debt. It is a budget that seeks to go into debt. We have many objections to Kicillof’s deficit Budget and the tax increases he plans in the province. When the ruling party stops fighting among itself and enables treatment, we are going to defend the people of Buenos Aires from the tax looting that the governor wants.

Q.: And about modifying the limit on indefinite reelections of mayors?

CC: I think that’s going to happen because it suits many sectors. We want to remove the political caste and we must give young people options. We need fresh politicians who can give districts, chambers and councils more freshness. Indefinite re-elections do not work. But it suits radicalism and a sector of Peronism.

Source: Ambito

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