Large hailstones affected several areas of San Juan and caused significant damage

Large hailstones affected several areas of San Juan and caused significant damage

December 24, 2024 – 08:32

Meanwhile, except in some productive areas of Santa Lucía, Zonda and part of San Martín and the rest of the province, the stone would not have been more serious in other productive areas.

Photo: NA

The strong hail that fell yesterday afternoon in areas of the province of San Juan mainly affected departments of the greater Saint John as Capital, Santa Lucía, Rawson and Rivadavia.

Meanwhile, except in some productive strips of Santa Lucia, from Zonda and part of San Martin and the rest of the province, the stone would not have been more serious in other productive areas.

Yes ok The stone fell to a lesser extent in rural areas, Producers who may have suffered damage are requested to report the status of their crops to the RUPA on business days starting Thursday. The Minister of Production and the Secretary of Agriculture will tour affected areas tomorrow.


The hail was large and even broke the window glass of a house in San Juan.

The hail was large and even broke the window glass of a house in San Juan.

According to the information collected by the Ministry of Production, Labor and Innovation through the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Agroindustry There was no considerable damage reported in the departments with cultivated areas, but rather the phenomenon affected a good part of the city of San Juan with some exceptions such as the department of Zonda and a part of San Martín.

San Juan departments such as Caucete, Sarmiento, 9 de Julio, Albardón and Pocito did not report hail problems

The authorities of the productive portfolio remember that the Agricultural Economic Assistance Program for Climate Contingencies Therefore, they request that they report the status of the situation to the RUPA (Single Registry of Agricultural Producers).


The fall of hail affected the city of San Juan.

The fall of hail affected the city of San Juan.

To do so, they must go on business days from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to the offices at Avenida Ignacio de la Roza west 306.

In the past contingency of Wednesday the 18th, Only 19 producers reported damage to their crops.

Source: Ambito

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