The Venezuelan regime released the first images of the kidnapped gendarme from his place of detention

The Venezuelan regime released the first images of the kidnapped gendarme from his place of detention

Chavismo sent to the press a series of videos and photos of Rooster in apparent good health, walking inside a detention center, with a beard and clothing typical of a prisoner. The Gendarmerie agent was arrested and is accused of alleged terrorist acts.

The first living images of gendarme Nahuel Gallo in Venezuela


The first images of Nahuel Gallo alive in Venezuela.

Although the Venezuelan authorities did not specify the place of detention where he is Rooster, The video a priori rules out the hypothesis that he is in the El Helicoide prison, the intelligence service center located in Caracas which the opposition parties define as “hell on earth” and a “torture center”, and which is used as the headquarters of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN).

In a second video, Gallo is seen along with two other detainees during a walk in the prison yard, in front of some steps. The identity of his companions is unknown.


Images of gendarme Nahuel Gallo in the detention center in Venezuela were known.

Until now, the location of the gendarme, who was imprisoned on December 8, is uncertain. His family has not yet been able to contact him and demands his immediate release.

After the video became known, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, stated: “The Maduro dictatorship spread this video of our gendarme.” And then, he demanded: “GET BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY NOW!”

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On Monday, Venezuela’s attorney general, Tarek William Saabreported that Gendarme Gallo is in “good health” and is in the custody of the State of that country. “Gallo is in good health and his integrity has been respected as required by law and the Constitution”declared William Saab.

Furthermore, he reiterated that Gallo “he is being investigated and prosecuted for extremely serious crimes” against peace in Venezuela.

Argentina denounced Venezuela before the International Criminal Court for the kidnapping of Nahuel Gallo

The video that was released this afternoon represents the first proof of Gallo’s life. Its dissemination comes after it became known this afternoon that the Argentine Government presented a complaint to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the “arbitrary detention and forced disappearance” of the gendarme, as indicated in a statement released by the Foreign Ministry.

“The Argentine Republic informs that it has filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the arbitrary detention and forced disappearance of the Argentine citizen Nahuel Gallo, which occurred on December 8, 2024 in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, pointing at the attorney general Tarek William Saab in the framework of this case,” the letter stated.

He himself continued: “This fact constitutes a serious violation and flagrant violation of human rights, evidencing a systematic pattern of crimes against humanity that are being committed in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which are clearly under the jurisdiction of the ICC.”

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichdemonstrated on his social networks against the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, after the Government’s complaint to the International Criminal Court for the “forced disappearance” of gendarme Nahuel Gallo.

In her X account, the minister assured: “We denounce the Maduro regime before the International Criminal Court from our Foreign Ministry. for the forced disappearance of our gendarme Nahuel Gallo”.

“An imprescriptible crime for the perpetrators. We are not going to allow the regime to take Nahuel hostage. Justice now! Or there will be consequences”he added under that line.

In the afternoon it was also learned that the president Javier Milei will hold a meeting with the former Venezuelan candidate and opponent, Edmundo González, next Saturday at the Government House.

Source: Ambito

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