January 14: why is World Logic Day commemorated?

January 14: why is World Logic Day commemorated?

On January 14, World Logic Day is celebrated. This science is a branch of philosophy that focuses on the principles of reasoning, including demonstration and valid inference, fallacies, paradoxes, and the notion of truth. It is understood as formal and interdisciplinary. Contributes to the development of knowledge, science and technology.

In addition to having contributed to the advancement of different sciences by generating a structure of thought and reasoning based on truth, it is also important today for the development of new technologies. According to the director of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), it is a vital discipline for societies and economies because “computer science and information and communication technology, which structure today “Our ways of life are based on logical and algorithmic reasoning.”

Alfred Tarski and Kurt Gödel

Why World Logic Day is celebrated

The date of January 14 was specifically chosen for this anniversary because it coincides with the story of two of the personalities who have contributed the most to the research and development of logic as a science. In principle, the birth of Alfred Tarski, a Polish mathematician and logician born on January 14, 1901, who formulated theories that interacted with those of Gödel.

On the other hand, it was also the date on which this aforementioned philosopher, Kurt Gödel, died, but in 1978. He was the one who developed the incompleteness theorem and transformed the study of logic in the 20th century.

The best logic games to celebrate the day

In addition to being entertaining and challenging, logical problems represent a good exercise to work on thinking. So, in celebration of your day, we are listing the best games to try and solve.

1. The island of blue eyes

On an island there are 100 inhabitants. They all have either blue eyes or brown eyes. Everyone sees the color of others, but not their own color. They can’t talk about it and there are no mirrors. Of course: a law establishes that if someone discovers that they have blue eyes, they must leave the island at 8 in the following morning. All islanders have the same ability to reason and are all capable of using impeccable logic.

One day, a person arrives to visit the island and, while looking at everyone, he says, without pointing to anyone in particular: “How good it is to see at least one person with blue eyes after so much time being on the high seas.” !”

What consequences did this comment have for the inhabitants of the island?

2. The most difficult succession

What number comes next in this numerical sequence:

1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 8 – 1000…

3. The path of the monk

A monk leaves his monastery at dawn to the top of a mountain, where he arrives after a walk of several hours. He stays to rest and sleep, and leaves the mountain at the same time in the morning to return to his monastery.

It is possible that it did not take the same time to go as it did to return, and it does not matter if his speed was not constant or when and how many times he stopped to rest: the monk passed some point along the way at exactly the same time, but with a day’s delay. difference. Because?


While it is true that the idea is to solve each of the puzzles yourself, it is also true that after doing so we want to know if our conclusion is correct, so below are the solutions:

1. Everyone with blue eyes will leave the island.

If there was only one person with blue eyes, he would know because he would see that the other 99 have brown eyes, so he would leave.

If there were two, the first (A) might think that it refers to the second (B) and that there is only one, but the second would think the same about the first. When one sees that the other does not leave the island on the first day, he can only deduce that he also has blue eyes, so both will have to leave on the second day.

The same thing happens if there were three, since A would see that B and C do not leave the island and that, therefore, he also has blue eyes, so all three would have to leave on the third day, upon seeing A (for example ) that neither B nor C have left on the second day.

And so on until all the inhabitants with blue eyes leave, no matter how many they may be.

2. 1001.

It is the next number that is written in Spanish without an e. I know, you are very angry. To compensate, I propose another similar riddle. What number comes next in this other sequence?

U, D, T, C, C, S, S…

Be careful, the solution is in the next line.

(Solution: follow the O. They are the initials of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4…).

3. Let’s imagine that these are two monks who leave at the same time from opposite points: if they follow the same path, at some point they will have to cross paths. Now it seems obvious, right?

Source: Ambito

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