Forest fire in Tandil: the flames advance on Cerro de la Cruz and have already destroyed more than 3,500 hectares

Forest fire in Tandil: the flames advance on Cerro de la Cruz and have already destroyed more than 3,500 hectares

The flames are advancing rapidly, affecting a significant area between this busy promenade and Villa del Lago. Despite the efforts, the spread of the flames remains an imminent risk.

Photo: Continental

A forest fire of great magnitude broke out this Monday afternoon in Cerro de la Cruz, a few meters from Paseo del Bicentenario, in Tandil. The flames are advancing rapidly, affecting a significant area between this busy promenade and Villa del Lago.

Field work and restrictions due to the fire in Tandil

As the Agencia Noticias Argentinas was able to verify with information from The Voice of TandilFirefighters are working intensively in the area while traffic remains restricted in the vicinity.

The main access to the scene of the accident, through López de Osornio Avenue, is under control to guarantee the safety of the neighbors.

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Extreme drought and high temperatures complicate extinction efforts, while the irregular characteristics of the terrain increase the challenge for emergency teams.

Extreme drought and high temperatures complicate extinction efforts, while the irregular characteristics of the terrain increase the challenge for emergency teams.

Adverse conditions

Extreme drought and high temperatures complicate extinction taskswhile the irregular terrain characteristics increase the challenge for emergency teams.

Despite the efforts, the spread of the flames remains an imminent risk.

Fire in Bariloche: more than 3,500 hectares affected

Meanwhile, a strong fire affects Bariloche more than 3,500 hectares of the Nahuel Huapi National Park, in the area of The Apple Trees, and It could increase its volume due to the entry of strong gusts of wind that will exceed 50 km/h.

The Emergency Committee and the Directorate of Fighting Forest Fires and Emergencies alerted about the situation and warned that as a result of the fire there are large convective columns of smoke in the area of Colorado Hill, and on the other hand in a sector of Bastion Hill in green areas not burned in the previous fire. The smoke is directed towards the Lake Steffen and The Meek, and can be visible from several distant points.

On the other hand, they reported that income from The Rapids to the Los Alerces Waterfall Circuit will remain restricted until further notice. They will only allow the circulation of authorized vehicles of official institutions and locals. On the contrary, the circuit Cerro Tronador remains enabled.

Source: Ambito

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