While defining the dates to call extraordinary sessions, the mayor capital and the PRO in the Legislature They are working to gather the necessary votes to guarantee the approval of the project with which they aspire to suspend the primaries. To do this, you must gather a two-thirds majority in the Buenos Aires single chamber, that is, 40 legislators that, at the moment of truth, they are defined by accompanying the Executive’s proposal.
The official troops have 15 legislators, between the PRO and the Civic Coalition, who make up the Vamos por Más bloc. To achieve the magic number, Macri will need to ensure, a priori, the support of the UCR, Public Trust, he socialism and the liberal blocs, with whom he already builds bridges. To the La Libertad Avanza bloc, on the contrary, he prefers to keep them at bay: in that case he opted to differentiate from the “flirting” strategy with libertarians carried out by the yellow governors of Entre Ríos and Chubut, Rogelio Frigerio and Ignacio Torres.
Jorge Macri negotiates with Peronism to suspend the PASO in the City
For now, the ruling party has already opened dialogue to test the official position of Unión por la Patria. Although the Buenos Aires PJ has not yet made the final decision, the general climate shows a scenario in favor of the project. “What the bilateral and underground conversations indicate is that the suspension of the PASO will be supported. The spirit of all the PJ tribes is to accompany”, they advanced to Scope from the environment of legislator Matías Lammens.
The final decision will depend on whether the negotiations with the PRO terminals – even in open initial instances – reach a successful conclusion. In this context, Peronism has an advantage: the 18 legislators that make up the bloc make it the first minority. Without them, the Executive will not be able to float the project, even if it obtains the endorsement of the rest of the parties. “Without our vote they will not be able to approve it”they clarify from the Buenos Aires block of UP.
At the negotiating table with Executive and its parliamentary terminals, the P.J. will lead to a demand that the date of the elections. From Uspallata they made it known that one possibility is that a vote will be held on July 6. “If they suspend the PASO, Macri will have the option of moving the date of the general elections. That will also be on the negotiating table”they pointed out from the environment of the former Minister of Tourism.
The Buenos Aires Government has not yet formalized the call for extraordinary sessions, where the suspension of the elections must be discussed. PASSED. One of the possibilities that were being considered in Parque Patricios was to call them for the last days of January, something that, in principle, will not happen. In Peronism they consider that the date will depend on the time it takes to reach consensus for the project to come out. “If they are missing any number, they will extend it to February”they glimpse.
One of the reasons that inclines the Peronist tribes of UP to the position of accompanying the STEPless unfolding, is to allow the people of Buenos Aires to give their verdict on a management that they consider “lazy.” They consider that it is a government “that has not yet found its footing”, which, a priori, they believe would give them a certain electoral advantage: “We see an opportunity to make a good choice in the City.”
Doubled elections, without STEP and with a Buenos Aires campaign, the objectives of Jorge Macri
With the unfolding of the elections, the head of Government aspires for the Buenos Aires campaign detach itself from the discussion of national candidates and focus on the agenda of the residents of the City, both in the proposals that the different forces will push and in the demands and claims of the people of Buenos Aires towards the parties and the Government. There the efforts for the co-participation with Nation, the security, the education and the health, recurring themes of local life.
The specific weight of the State on taxpayersa point that libertarians They push from the Nation towards the Capital. Recently, Macri announced a sharp cuts in government structures Buenos Aires that involves the elimination of 11 areas and the merger of another 4, between entities, units and secretariats. The goal is to save $13,000 million. The suspension of the PASO goes that route, given that it would mean a reduction in spending of around $20,000 million.
“It seems to me that it is the most reasonable. It represents an expense of $20 billion. We could discuss how to use these funds and what the different blocs propose,” Macri said last December, in an interview on C5N in which he winked at the opposition blocs. And he reiterated his request to the Nation: “We must also do the same at the national level.”. According to Guillermo Francos it is $200 billion. “A lot of money.”
Source: Ambito

David William is a talented author who has made a name for himself in the world of writing. He is a professional author who writes on a wide range of topics, from general interest to opinion news. David is currently working as a writer at 24 hours worlds where he brings his unique perspective and in-depth research to his articles, making them both informative and engaging.