Big Brother: Alejandro Mancuso’s message that moved Chiara and targeted a participant

Big Brother: Alejandro Mancuso’s message that moved Chiara and targeted a participant

At Thursday’s dinner with Santiago del Moro, the driver brought the participants messages from their families.

Alejandro Mancuso He was a great soccer player that Argentina had, being a protagonist of the National Team as a player and as a field assistant of Diego Maradona in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. However, in current times he also stands out for being the father of Chiara Mancusocurrent participant of Big Brother.

At Thursday dinner with Santiago del Morothe driver brought a message to the young woman with a strong word from her father that directly affects Giuliano.

Alejandro Mancuso’s message to his daughter Chiara

“Value yourself”was the word that Alejandro Mancuso chose to send to his daughter Chiara. “Mancu” did not write alone: ​​the participant’s mother also decided to send the word “get away”. Both were in allusion to the relationship that the protagonist had with Giuliano from Big Brother. Minutes later, the GH member said she was “proud” of her father beyond (sometimes) dealing with the issue of being the “daughter of.”

Fairly, Nano was consecrated as weekly leader but could not lower anyone of the plate because he announced his move. When trying to save Jenifer, enemy number one in Chiara’s game, Big Brother canceled her move since he had anticipated it before doing it.

Source: Ambito

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