Improvements in routes and ports, one of the five great challenges that the Argentine logistics sector will face in 2025

Improvements in routes and ports, one of the five great challenges that the Argentine logistics sector will face in 2025

The logistics industry, both in Argentina and in the world, plays a key role as a trade supplier, physical and digitalfor the efficient management of the flow of goods, information and services. But beyond being a strategic component in a world highly dependent on global supply chains, Our country faces some specific challenges that condition its growth..

According to the results of a survey among companies in the sector carried out at the last Meeting of the Argentine Association of Business Logistics (ARLOG), Five specific challenges were identified to which solutions will have to be sought during 2025.

In this framework, the infrastructure deficit appears as the main challenge mentioned by 81% of respondents. This is followed by the need to simplify procedures (52%) and improvements in connectivity (34%).

The ARLOG survey lists the five main challenges for this year.

1. Maintenance and expansion of infrastructure: The improvement of land routes, the modernization of ports and airports, and the expansion of rail transport are essential to reduce logistics costs.

2. Last mile optimization: The increase in electronic commerce demands faster and more flexible solutions for delivery in urban and rural areas, minimizing costs and waiting times.

3. Adoption of disruptive technologies: The implementation of tools such as artificial intelligence, big data, IoT (Internet of Things) and blockchain remains limited, making route optimization, inventory management and traceability difficult.

4. Multimodal integration: The lack of connectivity between different means of transportation (truck, train, ship) generates inefficiencies that could be resolved with better multimodal planning.

5. Sustainable logistics: The sector faces pressure to adopt more sustainable practices, such as the use of electric vehicles or alternative fuels, reducing emissions and recycling in the supply chain.

Faced with this panorama, companies in the sector concrete strategies are proposed to adapt and grow. “The integration of technologyis a crucial tool for process optimization and improving operational efficiency. In addition, the incorporation of a trained workforce “It is a recurring need to enhance productivity and increase efficiency, already projecting an increase in staff,” he explained. Gabriel Garcia Polignano, executive director of Celsur.

The need for public-private collaboration to complete pending works

Regarding the most critical aspect, that of infrastructure, while companies wait for responses from the three levels of governments (national, provincial, municipal) look for solutions on their ownas strategic alliances between logistics operators and suppliers to overcome the problems that affect your costs, while advocate for public policies that encourage the development of transportation and connectivity.

In this sense, recently the complaints were felt of some key players in the sector, such as automotive freight transportation.

The Argentine Federation of Freight Motor Transport Business Entities (FADEEAC) denounced what it considers “the terrible state of the roads” in Argentina, on the occasion of sending the results of a survey of more than 18,000 kilometers of national and provincial routes carried out by its Technical Department and Road Infrastructure and the Professional Foundation for Transport (FPT).

The conclusion of that report is that 46.6% of national routes are in poor condition29% in fair condition and only 19.3% is in good condition.

In the same direction was the claim formulated this week by the Economic Federation of Corrientes (FEC) to execute repairs on national routes 12 and 14two routes key to logistics and commercial connectivity of the region, especially as part of the Mercosur strategic corridor.

Among the critical consequences that the FEC mentions due to the poor condition of the roads, the following stand out:

-Logistics and production: increase in costs for the transportation of agricultural, forestry and industrial goods, with direct impact on regional and national competitiveness.

-International connection: obstacles to the trade flow with Mercosur, limiting exports and economic exchange.

-Tourism: loss of opportunities in a strategic sector for the regional economy, directly affecting local communities.

-Road safety: constant risk for those who travel these routes, with an increase in the number of accidents.

This proposal of the FEC was supported by the Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises (CAME), which highlighted the importance of “public-private collaboration” for the implementation of the necessary measures. “The national authorities are requested prioritize the repair and maintenance of these strategic routes for the trade of all of Argentina,” CAME emphasized.

Source: Ambito

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