These strange objects are composed of silicon dioxide and carbon monoxide, and their size is ten times larger than our solar system. The discovery was possible thanks to the use of the Japanese AKARI space telescope.
The surprises and mysteries that hide the universe They increasingly captivate scientists who seek to find surprising answers. It’s that giant world, a Japanese research team discovered two mysterious celestial objects distant from the Milky Way, which are generating many doubts and uncertainties.
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Known as the “ice balls“, these objects do not provide many answers regarding their composition. In the first instance they were compared with the starsbut the light coming from these distant objects does not fit with anything of the theories about their formations.

His location focuses on places completely far from where stars normally form, and their formations are similar to newly formed stars or also to dense gas clouds. The detection of the objects was possible thanks to the use of Japanese space telescope AKARIwhich scanned the Milky Way in the infrared spectrum between 2006 and 2011.
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What is known about “ice balls”
This discoverywhich caused great alarm and doubt among the researchers, determined that they assume that the balls have a magnitude between a and ten times the size of our solar system and are composed of silicon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Their name honors the high ice content they have and their isolation, characteristics that do not coincide with any other star known to science.
“We did our best to reproduce the properties, but currently we can’t find any theory that can explain the properties of the spectral energy“said the doctor Takashi Shimonishithe lead researcher and from Niigata University in Japan.
After years of research, studies and assumptions, the group of researchers suggests that they could have found a type of object that until now was totally unknown for him space science world. To continue and advance the findings, they requested to use the James Webb Space Telescope in order to discover new data about these unique objects.
Source: Ambito

David William is a talented author who has made a name for himself in the world of writing. He is a professional author who writes on a wide range of topics, from general interest to opinion news. David is currently working as a writer at 24 hours worlds where he brings his unique perspective and in-depth research to his articles, making them both informative and engaging.