The powerful fruit that fights insomnia and provides great benefits to the agency

The powerful fruit that fights insomnia and provides great benefits to the agency

For people who cannot sleep or have a bad quality of sleep, the night can represent great frustration. This fruit is a simple, rich and healthy way to achieve a deep and quality rest.


The problems to sleep or the insomnia They are one of the issues that most affect people in their day to day, due to the lack of rest, relaxation and energy recovery, Both bodily and mentally.

There are several habits and routines that one can adopt to rest and have a good quality of sleep, such as leaving electronic devices several hours before going to sleep, meditate or perform some type of Breathing exercise To connect with the present.

In addition to activities, feeding It is another of the fundamental pillars when it comes to sleep that can help us relax and help achieve eight optimal sleep hours. One of the most effective tropical fruits is Ananá, that will help us rest And on top of us it will give us benefits For our body.


Ananá is rich in vitamins, magnesium, potassium and melatonin, a fundamental hormone to regulate sleep.

Ananá is rich in vitamins, magnesium, potassium and melatonin, a fundamental hormone to regulate sleep.


How the Ananá combats insomnia

He Ananá It is a tropical fruit from South America, Refreshing, sweet and rich in several nutrients, minerals and compounds, which make it an ideal nutritional option. It stands out for following Components:

  • Magnesium and potassium: They have a great capacity to relax and reduce tensions, which causes and contributes to having a quieter and more optimal dream.
  • Bromeline: It is an enzyme that helps reduce inflammation, improve digestion and promote a great feeling of well -being. This combination helps to relax the body and prepare it for rest.
  • Melatonin: While it is in small quantities, this hormone responsible for regulating the dream is present in the Ananá and helps to regulate the sleep-vigilia cycle, something fundamental for those who have difficulties in rest.

What is the best time to consume Ananá

This fruit It is aesthetically unique and has a super refreshing, sweet and perfect taste for when people look for a combination of flavors and textures, ideal to consume in times of summer and very hot. Within all its benefits It stands out: the contribution of fibers and water, the prevention of constipation, a digestion positive and the relief of discomfort stomach.

For those who have rest problems and the night represents great frustration, they can prove to consume Ananá two hours before bedtime with the objective that the body increases the production of Melatonin, And therefore, prepare the body at the time of sleep.

Source: Ambito

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