Profit tax: how much will be paid in February 2025 after the ark update

Profit tax: how much will be paid in February 2025 after the ark update

The collection agency published the new scales and deductions for the period that starts in January. They updated 11.78%.

Single and Family Load workers will begin to suffer withholdings of the Profit tax from the $ 2.28 million from February 2025according to the new scale of categories and deductions applicable since January 2025 that public the Customs Collection and Control Agency (ARCA).

According to the new tables a single worker will begin to suffer discounts from a Minimum wage of $ 2,280,647 gross. That is equivalent to a pocket salary of $ 1,892,937.

In the case of a Employee who deduces spouse and two children under 18 yearsthe figure will be $ 3,024,494, which corresponds to an income in the hands of $ 2.5 million, respectively.


In the case of workers autonomous The deductions are adjusted by the same parameter of 11.78%. He average monthly income It would be $ 1,468,658 million for the general category and $ 1,631,843 million for professionals and entrepreneurs.

It should be remembered that self -employed have a greater deductions applicable to their revenues achieved employees in dependency relationship.


Meanwhile, retirees who register an income equivalent to 8 minimum assets will begin to suffer discounts from $$ 2,127,256.

Keep in mind that Profit Tax sanctioned with him Fiscal package Last year contemplates an update of scales in January and another in June in relation to the accumulated inflation of the semester. In this case, as there was an extraordinary update in September, October, November and December is taken.

Source: Ambito

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