More than 100 million dollars were stolen in jewelry and the loot was never recovered: the unusual crime of Antwerp diamonds

More than 100 million dollars were stolen in jewelry and the loot was never recovered: the unusual crime of Antwerp diamonds

He Theft of Antwerp Diamonds It happened in February 2003, it is considered one of the boldiest and most sophisticated robberies in history. A group of criminals managed to take diamonds, gold and jewels for an estimated value of More than 100 million dollars from the World Center for Diamonds of Antwerp, in Belgium. Despite the meticulous planning and execution, an oversight was the fall of those responsible.

Antwerp, in Belgium, It is the epicenter of world diamond trade. Approximately the 80% of the raw diamonds of the world They pass through this city before being cut, polished and sold.


How was the theft of Antwerp Diamonds

The plan to steal the diamonds was divided into several steps that the thieves of A Group were carried out in order to speed up time and not take long:

What happened to the stolen jewels

To this day, Most of the loot was never recovered. It is believed that diamonds were sold in the black market or in other countries with little control over the origin of precious stones.

Today the European authorities are still looking for diamonds around the world with the aim of being able to find them and return them to the security boxes.

What happened to criminals

The band leader, the Italian Leonardo Notarbartoloa diamond merchant was passed and rented an office in the World Diamond Center building, which allowed him to obtain and thoroughly study security measures. For more than two years, he and his team planned every detail of the robbery.

The plan seemed perfect, but an error was fatal to the band. Notarbartolo threw a garbage bag in a nearby forest, which contained incriminating evidence, as receipts and remains of the safety systems deactivated.

This track took the police to him, who was arrested and subsequently sentenced to 10 years in prison. However, it is believed that several band members were never captured, and much of the loot remains missing.

Source: Ambito

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