They will reactivate the Valley Train that joins Río Negro with Neuquén

They will reactivate the Valley Train that joins Río Negro with Neuquén

“This achievement is the result of a silent work that the Provincial Government and the Municipality of Cipolletti have been carrying out together for a long time, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Transportation of the Nation,” The Rionegrino president said.

Río Negro reactivates the Valley Train

From next week, the service will connect again Cipolletti with Plottierin Neuquén. “The first step that the National Government took was to repair, modernize and enable a new formation, which arrived last week, which will allow the minimum frequencies, which are four”Weretilneck explained.

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For its part, The Mayor Buteler highlighted the decision to recover a service so expected by the community and stressed the importance of joint management between Nation, Province and Municipality.

In addition, he explained that work is being carried out in the railway bridge sector to order traffic and preserve the status of Route 151, as well as the train formation.

It should be remembered that in July 2024, the governors of Río Negro, Alberto Weretilneckand Neuquén, Rolando FigueroaThey signed a historical agreement for the reactivation of the service, both passengers and loads.

La Trochita prepares her service for February

In so much, the traditional Trochita prepares for the month of February. The tour will leave from the Jacobacci Engineer Railroad station and will reach the splicing km 648, a 35 -minute journey that allows you to enjoy the Patagonian landscapes and the charm of a train that retains its original spirit.

“It is absolutely recommended, a period train that has already turned more than 100 years and is all maintained in its original state, it is like walking in a museum on wheels, it is a trip to the past” The Chief of Sales and Communication of the Patagonian train, Darío Dukart.

The reactivation of the Trochita, Jacobacci icon and the southern region, is part of the Comprehensive Maintenance and Work Plan carried out for 2024 by the Patagonian train, With the accompaniment of the Government of Río Negro and the Ministry of Public Works and Services, which allowed the rescue of the formation, its transfer, the repair of two historical locomotives and the reconditioning of the cars and the roads.

The train leaves from the Jacobacci engineer railway station, at 12 and reaches the splicing km 648, at 12.35. The time of permanence in Empalme km 648 is 1 hour and 55 minutes, where you can enjoy a gastronomic proposal, in addition to the beautiful and only landscapes of the steppe.

He returns from the Ecalme Km 648 station, at 14.30, arriving at Engineer Jacobacci, at 15.05.

The service provides four scheduled outings: the first on Saturday, February 15, at 12; the second on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at 12; the third on Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 12; and the last on Friday, April 18. The cost of the tourist service will be $ 36,000 per passenger.

“All rionegrinos must be proud of the Trochita, a train that is really few places in the world, it is a historical train and we have it here in Rio Negro,” Dukart emphasized.

Source: Ambito

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