A ruling by Federal Court No. 1 of La Plata made a preventive and collective habeas corpus, urging authorities to avoid arbitrary arrests and restrictions on the right to demonstrate. The resolution is issued within the framework of the mobilization convened for today against Congress, in defense of social rights and the LGBTIQ+collective.
The Federal Criminal and Correctional Court No. 1 of La Plata today urged the Ministry of Security of the Nation and its Buenos Aires Par To ensure that security forces Do not intercept, filmen or requirements to protesters in public roads without prior court order during the federal “anti -fascist and anti -racist” Pride March “scheduled for today in the vicinity of the National Congress. The measure aims to avoid arbitrary restrictions and preventive arrests that may violate constitutional rights.
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Justice made a preventive and collective habeas corpus presented by the lawyer Martín Ertola on behalf of Matías Peñalva and other citizens, in order to Avoid possible restrictions on the right to protest in the manifestation in repudiation to the speech of President Javier Milei in the Davos Economic Forumwho used the space to express against the Woke Agenda.
The decision of justice in the previous LGTB march
The resolution, signed by the judge Alejo Ramos Padillaresponds to concerns expressed by petitioners about the actions of security forces in previous protests and the application of regulations that, as they argue, enable excessive use of strength and repression. In particular, they questioned Resolution 943/23 of the Ministry of Security, which allows police intervention to block accesses and disperse demonstrations.
“Exhort the national and provincial authorities in charge of the security areas are issued in the same way giving citizens the necessary guarantees that they can demonstrate and express themselves in freedom and, in particular, to refrain from issuing orders to the forces to the forces security under their orbit that imply arbitrary limitation to constitutional right to peaceful social protest, “he said.
In his opinion, the magistrate stressed that Social protest is a fundamental right Protected by the National Constitution and international treaties, and stressed the importance of guaranteeing free expression without fear of reprisals. He also ordered the security authorities andNform before noon if there are special protocols For today’s day that can affect the peaceful manifestation.
The mobilization of this February 1 has, among its main slogans, the claim for the rights of the LGBTIQ+collective, whose situation has been the axis of debate after statements of President Javier Milei in the Davos forum. With this ruling, justice seeks to dispel fears and reinforce the framework of democratic guarantees for those who decide to exercise their right to protest.
Source: Ambito

David William is a talented author who has made a name for himself in the world of writing. He is a professional author who writes on a wide range of topics, from general interest to opinion news. David is currently working as a writer at 24 hours worlds where he brings his unique perspective and in-depth research to his articles, making them both informative and engaging.