How much does it cost to make a tattoo? Values ​​according to designs, sizes and sessions

How much does it cost to make a tattoo? Values ​​according to designs, sizes and sessions

For a promise, a bet, a tribute, or simply for pleasure. More and more people are done tattoos In Argentina, but as there are several reasons, there is also a wide range of price. So how much does it get tattooed in the country?

According to a survey made by the consultant Voices!, Almost a third of Argentines have at least one tattoo, while 27% plans to get one over the next 12 months. Also, 18% declared not sure, so the number could increase significantly.

The study also details that, although the lowest socioeconomic levels are more likely to tattooed than high levels, high and half -high socioeconomic levels tattooed tend to possess more drawings in their skin than low or medium.

Prices when making a tattoo

In the world of tattoos there are several styles and pieces of different colors, shapes, sizes, and in the part of the body that people want.

They range from minimalist works, to others that They occupy whole parts of the body and last several sessions. A clear example are those that are made on the back, arms and legs.

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Minimalist tattoos are a great option to start, in addition to being the most economical.

In the case of smaller works, it is possible to get promotions in different studies of the City of Buenos Aires. In general, the designs are simple with a size determined by the premises and/or tattoo artist. Under this context, You can find offers of up to 4 tattoos for $ 65,000, or 3 for $ 40,000. Some require that the benefit be used by a single person, but others allow it to share it.

It is important to clarify that, in terms of promotions, studies vary both in available designs and in the area in which they are.

At the other extreme, there are works that have a greater dedication, and therefore, the price increases. If we talk about an entire color tattoo, the sessions -which can be up to more than five- They can be around between $ 90,000 and $ 120,000 each. However, there are studies in which the price can be doubled in certain areas of the city of Buenos Aires. Instead, in the conurbano the amount could even be lower.

Taking the youngest of prices, and if the work occupied five sessions, the end of the tattoo It would have a total cost of $ 450,000. Of course, it is an example, since the sessions also vary in the hours and speed of who is doing them, among other factors.

They are also very popular full -sleeved tattooswhich can take from 1 to 3 sessions. In these cases, the values ​​per session could be averaged in $ 70,000while those of Half Manga at $ 50,000.

Something that could further shoot the price, is the Pain tolerance of the person who is tattooingsince I could lengthen the work and need more sessions than stipulated.

The technique of realism

Other types of tattoos that require greater economic investment, are the jobs focused on the technique of realismwhich are commonly made in arms and legs, although they can also be seen on backs and torsos. They do not have a fixed price, since they depend strictly on the design and the person who performs the work.

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The back, one of the most chosen places, but at the same time more extensive to complete.

The back, one of the most chosen places, but at the same time more extensive to complete.


Then there is one wide variety of prices in relation to the most common tattoos. Generally, one of the most ordered is Soccer team shieldswhich, in medium size, can start from the $ 70,000.

The cheapest – without taking into account promotions – are the basics, in fine small size line, which usually start at $ 30,000.

In this way, the costs of a tattoo They are relative and do not respond to a fixed price. Initial prices that logically depend on the different mentioned variants can be taken as a reference. Besides, Those who are carried out on the day that take two days or more for completion will always have a lower amount.

Given the large number of people who claim to want to tattoo at least once in their life, and the huge offer of premises that can be found, it is clear that tattoos will follow more than present in Argentine society. Of course, in many cases we will have to look for several alternatives, depending on the budget that is counted.

Source: Ambito

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