
Frank Schmiechen: We should be more concerned about people at risk from climate change

Why is it always about CO2 emissions in Germany? According to our author, the question of how, following the dramatic report by the UN Climate Change Council, can be saved in endangered areas should be dealt with much more intensively.

From Frank Schmiechen

The report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is depressing. We have to act in order to be able to live well in the future. No question. There are two tasks that need to be solved quickly now.

  1. We have to reduce global CO2 emissions.
  2. We need to protect the people most affected by climate change.

The first task is hotly debated every day. The Greens and the climate movement Fridays For Future have spearheaded a movement that wants to rebuild our economy and society in order to reduce CO2 emissions – and thus slow down the global rise in temperature. Most political parties have more or less adopted these goals.

How do you help those hit by climate change?

The second task is almost never discussed. Who are the people who are hit hardest by climate change? And what exactly can you do now to save their lives? One could talk about dikes and other protective measures against floods and rising sea levels. One could think about how to save harvests when heat records fall.

One thing is clear: In Germany, the consequences of climate change will not be as dramatic as in other regions of the world. Nevertheless, one works on the local CO2 emissions, but rarely on the question of how people in endangered countries can be saved.

Anti-consumerism and anti-capitalism

The reason is simple. The climate fighters in Germany are not concerned with the people. On the contrary. You look down on neighbors who like to afford a steak, a flight to Mallorca or a nice car. Often it is only about teaching people their own lifestyle of anti-consumerism and anti-capitalism. Preferably by law. The topic of climate only plays the main role superficially. And it is being misused with a great moral eye as a justification for ideological and social restructuring measures in Germany.

Comparison of a green meadow and a withered meadow

The report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is clear. There will be regions on earth that will be hit very soon and very hard by the changing climate. The task now is to mitigate these catastrophes. Quite specifically. With ideas, money and humanity. It’s not about banning short-haul flights and quickly shutting down a power plant because the election campaign is on. This kind of German symbolic politics does not help anyone in the world. At most the good German conscience.

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